Nowadays, there are numerous phobias that someone can have, and some of these are more well-known than others. Furthermore, while some of these phobias can stop them from being able to live a full and rich life, others can typically be put to one side and not trouble them.

If, then, they were to see that their ability to freely express themselves is being undermined by their ‘irrational fears’, they could end up reaching out for support. This can be a time when they will work with a cognitive behavioural therapist.

The Focus

During this time, they could talk about how they don’t feel comfortable in public places or speaking in public, for instance. In one way or another, they could be told that what is going on for them is common.

Moreover, they could learn that there is no reason for them to be this way. This is then why what is going on for them will be seen as being irrational.

The Next Step

After this, they could be encouraged to look into what they believe and the thoughts that arise when they are around others or are standing in front of people and talking. Questioning these beliefs and changing these thoughts can be seen as a bit part of what will allow them to change their life.

They will then be using a very mental approach to change their life. But, if this part of them is seen as what is causing them to experience life in this way, this is to be expected.

The Other Side

After they have had a number of sessions and have applied what they have learnt, they may find that their life gradually changes. If so, they can feel more comfortable in public spaces and talking to groups of people.

Thanks to this, they could feel relieved and deeply grateful about what has taken place. Still, they could be encouraged to continue to question any ‘negative’ beliefs that they have and replace any ‘negative’ thoughts that arise with ‘positive’ thoughts.

Another Reality

Alternatively, after changing what is taking place for them at a mental level and even learning different breathing techniques, for instance, they may find that their life doesn’t really change. They feel just as restricted as they did before and do not feel comfortable freely expressing themselves.

If so, what could cross their mind is that there is something inherently wrong with them or that there is something that they are not doing right. Either way, they could feel frustrated, helpless and hopeless.

Another Angle

However, although they might believe that there is something inherently wrong with them or that they are not doing something right, there could be far more to it. What this can illustrate is that they need to try another approach.

There is a chance that is not as black and white as them simply fearing public spaces or talking to groups of people, for instance. Instead, they can fear these situations as well as others because of what they represent to them at a deeper level.

Two levels

What this comes down to is that there is what is going for them at a conscious level, and then, there is what is going on for them at an unconscious level. If this is not taken into account, this other, hidden part of them will be overlooked.

It will then be normal for what they fear to be seen as irrational and changing what is going on at a conscious level will be the focus. If it is understood that there are two parts of them and what is going on for them in this other, hidden part is impacting their life, looking deeper will be seen as being essential.

Going Deeper

This other, hidden part of them can be projecting what has not been resolved from their developmental years into their present moment. It won’t realise that their early years are over and that what troubled them is also over.

For example, this may have been a time when they were mistreated by one or both of their parents and were often physically harmed, criticised and humiliated. How they felt when they were deprived of the love that they needed and their developmental needs would have ended up being repressed by their brain.

The Outcome

Many, many years will have passed and their conscious mind will have forgotten all about what happened but this part of them and thus, their perception will continue to be affected by this hidden material. But, as this part of them was out of touch with what was going on for them at a deeper level, there would have been no reason for it to understand why their life is this way.

In this case, what is going on for them at a conscious level will be an outgrowth of what is going on for them at a deeper level. This is why, purely focusing on their mind, is not going to allow them to become a more integrated and whole human being.


If someone can relate to this and they are ready to change their life, they may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided with the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Author's Bio: 

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis cover all aspects of human transformation; including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, enmeshment, inner child, true self and inner awareness. With over three thousand, seven hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

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