When that bolt of lightning hits and the idea to revolutionize the way people live comes to you and you know in your heart that this is it. The big idea. It's the moment you've dreamed of and you can't wait to count the rewards, buy that big house, fill the garage with expensive sports cars, boats, and that Harley that surely will make you too cool for all the hot babes. You feel ready to bet the farm, go for broke and risk it all like some stupefied poker player that just rolled into Vegas on a sure fire winning streak.
But wait. There's more. This is not the time to bet the farm or anything close to it. This is the time to think small. That's right my positive thinking friend that has heard all the gurus advise to think big or go home. Thinking big is great for the vision, the plan, the dream. It's different when considering tactics to get where you are going.
Thinking small is really thinking incremental. It takes many small bets, some winners, some losers to get you to the goal line. Micro focus ability separates the winners from the losers. The loser will bet it all, once, then cower back to their cave of despair when all is gone and there's nothing left to bet. The winner, instead bets on the small trials. The winner knows that folding them when the time is right is a good thing. To win by losing is gaining valuable intel from each failure, misfire, bad hand and move on. By betting small, the winner can absorb small losses as they move forward to the greater gain.
The magic ingredient in this formula of winning small, over and over, is resilience. That stick to it mindset that keeps superstar performers rising against challenges over and over. Understanding resilience is vital.
Resilience is fueled by using the word, RECOVER:
Resist temptation to allow small setbacks to stall your efforts
Expect good outcomes regardless of risk
Competence and confidence development
Overcome peer pressure to quiet detractors
Vision to see beyond temporary adversity
Energy is reserved, revitalized and managed to keep on trying
Relax and design rewards for incremental successes as well as the end game big payoff
Resilience describes people who adapt successfully even though they experience risk factors. Resilience is a coping mechanism while under stress. Resilience works for what may be a prolonged adversity, or an immediate danger or stress.
Some of the things that can impact your store of resilience may come from relationships that provide care and support, love and trust, and offer encouragement. It may be your family, friends, or associates. Other factors associated with resilience include self-confidence and a positive self image, and the capacity to manage strong feelings and impulses.
There was a great line in one of Dr. Robert Schuler's messages years ago that may have an impact for you, "What looks like the end of the road, is only a bend in the road."
That kind of powerful visualization makes each small gamble a winning hand every time. Even when we have to fold, we know that we have the reserve staying power to play the next hand well.
Joe Nuckols
Author | Speaker | Broadcaster | Entrepreneur
Host of Nightingale Conant's My Power Podcast
Joe created the world's first all motivation 24/7 radio format , WNN - Winners News Network - that was syndicated nationally. He has been on stage with many leading speakers such as Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and more. He received Entrepreneur of the Year award in Fort Lauderdale. Many national publications such as People, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and more have carried stories about his career. He is an award winning advertising writer and winner of journalism awards.
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