If you are a business owner or leader, are you not just taking action, but 'inspired action'? This means that you are working off of your ideas and what gets you out of bed each day to drive me to achieve them. This is born of your 'Why' - and your desire to help your clients, and potential clients to achieve their goals by abolishing any fears or other roadblocks that prevent them from going out and doing their best work.
We all suffer from these so-called roadblocks, such as fear of failure, perfectionism, or lack of self-confidence or esteem; but how one looks at these blockages can either keep you stuck or spur you to knock them out of the way.
Using your inspirations - or what is truly important - as a motivator will elicit deep positive emotions so that you will create the actions and the outcomes you desire; you will be unstoppable until you get them. It will feel effortless and you may find yourself jumping out-of-bed to face the day, as opposed to dreading it.
To find inspired action, here are 3 ideas that can help you get there:
• acknowledge your 'why' - what gets you out of bed every day? what is your message that you need to get out to the world? who are you meant to help and serve?
• write down who or what gives you inspiration - this can be a family member or friend, a famous person or thought-leader, someone who has lived through adversity and came through with strength and grace, a spiritual influence, or an idea you've held onto with conviction
• make the inspiration as visual as you can, whether that is with a picture, a talisman, a vision board, or a picture you keep in your mind; this will keep it 'real' while reinforcing your intent to achieve the outcome
Being decisive in your thoughts and activities will help you accomplish anything you want to do - doing it with inspired action will help you get them faster. You will find it more fulfilling and you will get more done.
Coaching Action Plan
This week, take time to really think about your inspirations - you don't have to have just one. Pay attention to the emotions that arise when you think about them; write them down and then find ways to visually represent them. Keep them with you at all times and see how much more decisive you are as you go about your day, noting how much more you get done and how accomplished you feel. Doing this daily will be uplifting and you'll realize you can accomplish anything you desire.
I hope you have a successful week - If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, or in developing your action plan, why not get some help - stop the struggle and call today to get started. I'd love to help you build the career and business of your dreams!
Dr. Barbara Seifert, CPC is focused on enhancing leadership skills, from entrepreneurs and small business owners to C-level executives. As leadership starts in the mind, she uses brain-based techniques to achieve measurable and lifelong improvements in performance, which leads to more career advancement, money, greater satisfaction, and achieving personal and professional success to be more effective in a leadership role. Areas of focus: leadership development & skill enhancement; mindset/emotional intelligence; employee engagement; performance, stress management/work-life balance.
She provides training and presentations that support leaders and their teams to be more cohesive, higher performing, as well as creating a fun culture. Several topics of focus right now include helping leaders to have 'grit,' or resilience through adversity; stress management; and women's empowerment.
Barbara holds a Ph.D. in Leadership & Education, with a specialization in Human Resource Development; she is Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and holds certifications in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Law of Attraction. She is a writer and speaker, appearing on TV and radio, and in print, and is a contributing author to 4 books. Barbara has coached at conventions on career development. She is an adjunct professor for two universities, where she teaches MBA students in organizational and career topics. She is an avid dancer, traveler, and loves her Pittsburgh Steelers.
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