Taking Time For You – The Benefits of Taking a Retreat

Changes are occurring in our lives at an ever-rapid pace. Our roles as parents, partners, caretakers, employees, etc., all vie for our time and energy. We become even further stretched as we encounter life transitions such as marriage, career change, loss of a loved one, health challenges or identifying our life’s purpose. The need to slow down, reconnect with ourselves and reflect on what is important to us, is a form of self-care that has become crucial to our well being. Retreats are an excellent way to accomplish this.

For example, as Mary’s 40th birthday was approaching, she began to examine her life because she felt that something was missing. Although she had always enjoyed good health, had a loving partner, 3 healthy children, and a secure job, Mary was not happy and lacked energy. She decided that a retreat would allow her to take some time away from her everyday life to reflect. With direction and support, Mary was able to reconnect with her priorities, which then enabled her to identify imbalances in her life that were causing her unhappiness.

Valerie worked in a job she did not enjoy for years. Secretly, she held the dream of someday becoming an author of children’s books, but didn’t see how it was possible. Participating in a retreat gave Valerie the inspiration and motivation to begin to take the steps towards fulfilling her dream.

Michael and Sarah decided to go on a couple’s retreat because they wanted to improve their relationship and were having difficulty communicating. Time away together with guidance and support allowed them to reconnect, communicate more fully, and enjoy greater intimacy.

How A Retreat May Benefit You:
1. Rediscover “you” and connect with your spirit
2. Reduce stress
3. Allow your body, mind and spirit time to heal & rejuvenate
4. Increase creativity, energy
5. Learn tools and strategies to make the changes you desire
6. Create more positive feelings and joy into your life
7. Release and heal old stuff
8. Learn to trust and use your intuition

Here are some things to consider before going on retreat:

What is my intention for my retreat?

Do I have a need for privacy and individualized focused attention at this time, or would I thrive in a group setting with people going through similar life situations?

What is my budget and how much time do I have?

What physical environment would feel most supportive?

What are the qualifications and experience levels of the retreat facilitators?

Author's Bio: 

Beatrice Fulciniti, PhD and Deborah White, RN combine their professional experience and intuitive abilities to create empowering retreats and healing services for individuals, couples and groups. Their holistic approach nurtures and inspires self-healing and transformation for body, mind, spirit and environment. They are the co-founders of Two Angels Holistic Healing Retreats & Services and have been facilitating retreats since 2000. Call for more information at 877-204-2544 or visit http://www.twoangelshealing.com