In today's competitive market it's become a requirement to increase site traffic in order to increase your exposure for targeted web traffic. Your links will determine your website's strength. By providing links that your customers consider interesting will improve the quality of your website and draw additional targeted web traffic. Every internet search engine optimization strategy worth its value includes back linking.

The advantages of linking is that your customers stay informed of the products you suggest and trust, you build a relationship with other website owners and you increase site traffic as a result of your relationship with those sites that your customers trust and like.


1. Recommended Links

The core point of these links is to assist your customers. To acquire recommended links for your site go to your competitors' sites and see what links they list. This will also direct you in determining what your customers are looking for and will also present a good basis for a reciprocal linking strategy, discussed below.

Furthermore you can ask for advice from your customers. This can be achieved by undertaking a survey or by simply interviewing your customers. Customers who are familiar with the internet will update you about what they regard as professional sites and what they like or dislike in reference to your links. This will make it easier to control the quality of the links on your site.

Make sure your recommended links possess a high page rank with internet search engines as this will increase site traffic to your website.

2. Reciprocal Links

A fundamental principle of internet search engine optimization is to create reciprocal links. These are links from other related sites that points targeted web traffic to your site.

Start off by researching those sites you might think about linking to. Create two lists - one you sense your customers will have an interest in and another that is advantageous to your site. Compare the two lists for commonality and create areas of related topics. Identify 3 key words related to each topic.

Then conduct a search using a Meta search engine using all three words for each topic. Incorporate those sites that are shown for all 3 keywords in your priority list.

Short list those that appear promising and compose an email to the webmaster for each site. Be brief and promote your site to them.

The concluding phase is to negotiate the position of the link on both sites. Put their link on your site as soon as you can then inform them that their link is live on your site. Visit their site on a regular basis to ensure they are keeping their commitment as well.

Including recommended and reciprocal links improves the internet search engine optimization of your site. The aim is not merely to increase site traffic, but also create visibility to your customers and generate targeted web traffic. Your customers can now find you with search engines and through other websites. Yet again, this means increased exposure, targeted web traffic and more profit.

Author's Bio: 

Take your internet search engine optimization strategy to the next level and reap the financial rewards.

Richard Baldock focuses on fast-tracking the success of online small business entrepreneurs by providing tips, tools and resources for effective strategies.