A huge part of your success with teleseminars is to create great call content. This should not to be taken lightly. Regardless of whether you offer a free or fee event is irrelevant. The quality of your content, in both free and fee teleseminars, is essential to building a loyal customer/client base. You need to develop extremely valuable content without cramming too much into one session. It's easy to overload your listeners.
Your participants will gain more from their time invested if you go deep into each point on a topic rather than brushing over several topics.
The issue for some experts is they think they have to cover everything in one session. Not true. It's better to have very high quality with less information than tons of information that offer little if any value to the listener.
To simplify the process outline your session and add sub-points under the main points. This will help you to stay on track with what your listeners will want and need.
A good rule of thumb is this, in a one hour session have no more than 3 -5 main points you will cover. This allows you to go deeper into each point.
Let's say your main message is health and fitness for executive level women. There are dozens upon dozens of subcategories you can cover.
So you have health and fitness for executive level women as the main topic. Under that you can have feeling good, increased energy, clarity of mind, weight loss. From there, put three points under each subcategory.
For feeling good you can have enjoy life more, get rid of your aches and pains, and enjoy life more.
Those would be your talking points. You could feasibly have an hour long teleseminar on the subcategory of feeling good and then go deep into the three points and benefits of feeling good.
It's literally that simple to create the content for your teleseminar. And remember, it's about quality rather than quantity.
Discover success insights from experts around the globe who are out there making a difference and making a great living in the process. Kathleen Gage interviews the best of the best with Power Up for Profits Podcast. http://www.powerupforprofitspodcast.com
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