You have some money…

But it never seems enough…

You have ideas for things you can do to elevate your income…

But you never seem to follow through…

The book remains unfinished…

You start to create that piece of art or music but you never complete it…

You dream and think about adding that product to your line but you never quite do the work to bring it to life…

You want to move away from one to one and add on a group program but you never quite manage it…

And you tell yourself that it is a lack of time…

Or that you are not sure what to do yet…

Or that you want to make it perfect…

Or that you have responsibilities and anyway, you are lucky to be making what you are making so be grateful…

Or you blame the bank for not giving you the credit line…

Or the government for squeezing out every penny from you…

Or some other thing that sounds so sensible but ultimately, takes the focus off you – the only thing you can actually do anything about!

Honey, take a moment and realise the truth of this statement

“The amount of money I am making right now is a reflection of how much I think I am worth”

Did that hit you right in the heart?

Or did you immediately try to gloss over it?

Did you roll your eyes and pretend that it did not affect you…

Because you are that practical person who believes that it is simply about the tips and tricks and strategies…

You keep looking for that next strategy that will propel you forward and you refuse to dwell on what is going on inside of you…

Honey, if you do not think you are worth the income increase, YOU WILL NEVER ALLOW IT!

Never, EVER!

You can find and apply every single strategy under the sun and it WILL NOT WORK!

And truth be told, you will even find it hard to stay consistent with any of the new strategies you learn…

Because there is a battle going on inside of you…

One where you don’t think that you have a right to more money because you are simply not worth it…

You judge yourself and find yourself wanting and you expect that the marketplace will also find you wanting and so you hold back and sometimes, you do not even notice that you are doing it.

Other times, you do notice that you are holding back and playing small and it makes you feel angry at yourself (as if that will help anything!)

Now, you have to make a decision

Are you content to stay at this level? This survival level where you have just enough…

OK, then continue doing what you are doing. Enjoy!

Or are you willing to do what it takes to build an empire that makes you money even when you are not working your fingers to the bone?

Are you willing to create the life you are meant to live?

Are you willing to monetize your purpose?

Are you willing to make a dent on the planet while making a lot of money?

If the latter, then it is time to do the deep work on your self-worth!

It is time to see you as you really are…

It is time to elevate your self in your own eyes so that you can go into the marketplace confident, sure that what you have is what your people need.

And then your money will also increase.

You will elevate your lifestyle…

You will serve more of the people you are called to serve…

You will experience freedom and abundance in a way that has been held back from you to date.

I can help with this.

Work with me, one on one, to conquer any and all internal blocks and to map out and roll out a marketing strategy that works to deliberately design the epic life and business you know you are meant to have!


This is for you if you are a purpose-driven entrepreneur wanting support to uplevel your profits…

Or you are a professional ready to transition into your own profitable, purpose-driven business…

You are willing to do the internal and the external work to get results

This is best for people who feel called to impact more people and are/or about to be

– Service Providers Who Want To Get Clients Online or build out a group program
– Writers
– Musicians
– Artists
– eCommerce store owners
– Starting/Growing a ministry using social media

This is a high level program and you can expect

Author's Bio: 

Rosemary Nonny Knight
used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online

Get her freedom book now at