Do you believe in the afterlife or rebirth of the Soul? Do you believe that it is possible that a person can regain a life he has lost…or perhaps even transform the life that he is living? Following is a literal example of the Soul’s rebirth: I had once read a story about a man dying from an incurable disease. As it was, he was reborn into another life. In the story, the man spoke about how he agonizingly watched the tearful goodbyes of his loved ones. He recalled a long dark tunnel that he traveled through only to suddenly be brought to a brilliant ball of beckoning light. As the story goes, the man is suddenly surrounded by what appeared to be giants. He is laid into these warm and gentle arms where he automatically feels the bonds of love and utter safety.

Now, imagine just for one moment that this story was metaphorically about you. I do not want you to focus so much on the reincarnation, but more so on the transformation that occurred within the story. How would you feel if you had a similar transformation in your life…one that required you to depart from your current life to acquire the beauty, the abundance and the unconditional love that only a pure and open heart can know? This is, in essence, what happens when you experience a rebirth of the Soul and an awakening to your Inner Child who has yearned to take its rightful place in your life.

An exercise that truly works for me is a deep breathing meditation that allows me to clear all the channels in my mind, body and spirit so that I am open to receive the blessings that can help to transform my present moment. It enables me to visualize and to see clearly the potential that exists around me. Just like the abovementioned story, any person who is willing to open the channels of the Universal Flow will become a recipient to the clear path of pure love and abundance. This state of inner joy and happiness can be experienced when you have a heightened sense of awareness and a genuine willingness to create the much-needed transformation in your life. But are you ready to release that part of you that no longer serves you or your life?

Sometimes it is difficult to walk away from the emotions, people and even things that we have grown attached to in life because we have become so accustomed to having them in our lives even if their presence does not benefit us. How so?

It is our fear and often our ignorance of not understanding how these emotions block our full potential and often cloud our creative side from expressing its power.

Just like a child who acts out to gain attention, we, too, have our tantrums that often cause distress for all involved. If you are feeling agony or detachment in a relationship, you can change the dynamics by changing your perception and switch gears.

What if knowing that you can achieve a greater sense of purpose, a greater sense of love, and a greater sense of wholeness if you were just willing to open your heart to the brilliant light that resides inside you? There’s an old adage about if you love someone, set them free and if she was meant for you, she will come back to you. The same holds true for all relationships. The rebirth of your Soul can only happen when you let go of whatever is holding you back.

The Baby Whisperer Vol 4: Rebirth…does it exist?
By Joan Marie Whelan The Baby Whisperer

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Author's Bio: 

Intuitive Life Mastery Coach and THE BABY WHISPERER WITH JOAN MARIE ™, Joan Marie Whelan, brings the art of heart and soul bonding to the lives of parents and children, pre-conception - in vitro and beyond! Learn more here: The Baby Whisperer with Joan Marie