It's known as 'ava, awa, yaqona, sakau, or kava by the many south pacific drinkers of the concoction produced from the root of what is scientifically known as piper methysticum, or intoxicating pepper. It is commonly believed that kava use began in Vanuatu prior to spreading throughout Melanesia, Micronesia, and as far as Hawaii. These islanders frequently drank, and still drink, the murky kava liquid as an substitute to alcohol, as a therapy for a range of conditions, and during ceremonies. The relaxing effect of kava that allows the drinker to maintain mental clarity, lends itself nicely to settling disputes and discussing community issues.

In the at times hectic western world, many people have recently discovered that kava can offer a healthy alcohol alternative to wind down with. Kava is not chemically addictive and doesn't cause a hangover after use. The Following are instructions on how to make traditionally prepared kava in your own home.

First, find a source to Buy Kava. There are numerous kava vendors out there. It is essential to ensure that the kava you acquire was allowed to grow for a minimum of four years before being removed from the ground. It must also have been pulled no more than six months before it is sold.

Second, inside a bowl, combine the kava root with warm, not boiling water. Boiling water breaks down the active ingredients, known as kavalactones. Water that is warm to the touch works nicely. Ratios should be in the amount of one part kava to two to four parts water. Less water will create a stronger concoction. Although not essential, adding a teaspoon of soy lecithin for every two cups of water will help emulsify the active ingredients. Let this mixture to soak for 30-60 minutes.

Next, blend the mixture for 30 seconds. This will help saturate the root and extract the kavalactones. Pour the mixture back into its bowl.

Next, inside a separate bowl, pour some of the mixture into a flexible, sturdy strainer bag or cheese cloth. The amount poured into the strainer ought to be no more than an amount that you can manually squeeze with strong pressure. Work the strainer containing the mixture within the bowl for a few minutes before squeezing as much liquid out as possible. Discard the dry pulp and repeat this procedure with the remaining kava mixture until all liquid has been separated from the root.

Finally, drink the kava. A typical kava serving is about eight ounces. Due to kava's earthy and somewhat bitter flavor, most drinkers finish off a serving in one chug. A coconut cup is the standard kava imbibing container, but any glass or cup will suffice.

Two or three servings of kava can loosen up muscles and ease the mind. It is best enjoyed on an empty stomach. With a good root and proper preparation, be ready to find out why the natives of Oceania have such high respect for the sacred kava drink.

Kava has been called a wonder drug for its ability to create a clear headed intoxication without the risk of chemical dependence. Purchase the best kava available at:

Author's Bio: 

Jordan is an expert in the modern uses of traditional herbs and other organic materials. His focus is on those considered narcotics that are used traditionally in non-western cultures. He is passionate about gaining knowledge and spreading that knowledge to anyone who will listen.