My work proves to the world that everyone must learn Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation because it is the only correct one. I simplified his complicated method for you, and now you can immediately understand the meaning of all dreams. Besides this fact, I continued his research, discovering a lot more.

I was only an ignorant literature writer, who was very depressed in 1984, when I was 23-years-old. I was always irritated.

I had many absurd thoughts. I understood that I was neurotic. I needed psychotherapy. Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation saved my life. Then, I saved many other people's lives. I simplified his complicated method of dream interpretation in order to help them faster. Jung took months in order to completely interpret a dream. Besides this fact, there were dreams that he was not able to understand. He had declared his ignorance many times.

Fortunately, I clarified everything for you. This is why I became a psychiatrist, and a psychologist. This was the only way I could save my mental health, instead of becoming schizophrenic like my father. I had to study hard, and work very hard if I wanted to maintain my mental stability.

I decided to take dream interpretation very seriously when I became 24-years-old. It seemed to be a good way to find psychotherapy. I read all books about psychology and dreams existent at that time. I also read books about many other scientific subjects that interested me. Fortunately, my husband bought all these books for me. They were very expensive. At that time the internet didn’t exist. Everything was very difficult. I also had to go to many public libraries, because there were books that I could not buy in any library. I learned about their existence, but they were not for sale. I had to face many difficulties in order to find all the information I needed.

It was a very complicated matter to understand my psychological problems, Carl Jung’s psychology, and many books about biology, physiology, astronomy, neurology, and many other very complicated subjects. However, I needed to find more answers because I was losing my mind.

I related all the information I found to the unconscious messages in dreams. Fortunately, I could understand the meaning of dreams better than Jung and find real solutions. Or do you think that an ignorant and neurotic woman would ever be able to become a psychiatrist only by reading books? First of all, a neurotic person is not able to find mental health alone.

The unconscious mind cured my mental illness and guided me during my research. I would never manage to discover anything without the unconscious guidance.

My example is a very real proof of the mind empowerment that results from dream therapy. Instead of becoming schizophrenic, I became a psychiatrist able to cure all mental illnesses. This was a true miracle!

You can learn everything that I know if you follow my lessons. You’ll acquire brain power and wisdom. You can also become a psychiatrist like me if you are as obedient as I am, and you always follow the unconscious guidance with respect and dedication. The unconscious mind is a doctor and teacher who transforms you into a savior.

You won’t imitate the methods used by the psychiatrists of our historical time. You’ll learn how to help the mentally ill recuperate their lost human conscience without destroying their immune system with medicine, which transforms them into vegetables without personality. The mindset of the absurd modern civilization is totally wrong. The unconscious mind will show you how to cure the mentally ill through psychotherapy, patience, and goodness.

Author's Bio: 

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to accurately translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

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