Over the last 40 years we have seen an explosion in the popularity of books and movies, all promoting the benefits of being positive. This is great advice and has worked wonders for thousands of people all over the world. It may be easy for the chosen, special few- but what about you?

We all know how easy it is to be positive in our lives when things are going well and everything works in our favour but what about when life throws us curveballs? This is a challenge that we all face and it is a difficult one. Keeping a positive outlook when life is hard can often make those hard situations easier. The big question is how do you remain positive even when life is trying to get you down? Here at FerrisWheel Learning4Life our goal is to help you unlock your greatness. We can show you some simple exercises that can give you extra motivation when you need it. They will also help you keep positive when it would be much easier to simply give up!

Tip #1: When you are finding it difficult to stay positive one of the best ways to keep your cool is to pay attention to your Breathing and Posture: Straighten your back and stand tall, pull up your rib cage and take a big deep breath into your stomach. Do this at least 5 times and you will be amazed at how much more relaxed you feel. Regardless of outside circumstances, it is important to take control of how you feel right now.

Tip #2: When we meet someone who is upset we can often describe them as being “down”. This is because when we are not positive, everything about us seems to slump. To give yourself a lift, simply remember to hold your head up and move your eyes up towards the sky. Take a few deep breaths while you do this and, with your head held steady, begin to smile. A little smile will do at first, just a tiny one is good, then you just might find it easier to broaden that smile into a big, happy grin!  After a minute or so, notice how your mood changes. This exercise takes you out of being stuck in your negative emotions and allows you to focus on the bigger picture, the many other good things in your life.

Tip #3: Another very important exercise to help you stay positive is to notice all the things in your life that you are grateful for. This is easy when we are happy but can be very difficult when we are sad, angry, frustrated or lonely. To help your mind focus on the positive things in your life, think of 3 things you are grateful for each morning. It could be something as simple as the coffee you are drinking or your pet who is happy to see you each day. No matter how small these things may seem, focusing on them will help put you in a more positive frame of mind.

For more information on how to stay positive, visit our website www.ogalearning4life or www.theferriswheel.org and “Like” our Facebook page to let us know how well these exercises work for you!

Author's Bio: 

Anne Marie Ferris is the Director of the FerrisWheel Learning4Life. She has over 25 years’ experience as a teacher, therapist and certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP. If you have any specific questions you would like her to address she can be contacted through the website or by email: annemarie@ogalearning4life.com or her websites www.ogalearning4life.com www.theferriswheel.org