You likely have a pretty good understanding of your physical body, but do you have an awareness of your energetic body? Everything is energy, from the living to the inanimate, and the energetic body is continuously interacting with the physical. The beauty of your energetic body is that it is not bounded by time, space, or any kind of physical limitation.

Isn’t it amazing to realize that you are never energetically separated from the ones you love and the things you care about. Time and distance really are nothing at all.

The boundless nature of our energetic selves is what a trained medical intuitive uses to connect with people they never meet face-to-face. A client could be sitting next to the practitioner or on the other side of the planet.

With a client’s permission, the intuitive can “see” inside your body and perceive details about your physical and emotional state - including things you have never shared with anyone. With care, a certified medical intuitive can use this tool provide answers not gleaned by any other means.


Cynthia* requested a medical intuitive assessment several months ago. As part of her request, she provided only her name and age. An authentic medical intuitive will firmly insist on no more information than this. Any further details can cloud the practitioner’s perceptions and create difficulty in allowing them to go directly into the energy.

The assessment showed that Cynthia was undergoing a huge amount of inner struggle. We could see that she was still fighting strict conditioning from her youth and seemed to have an inner “tug-of-war” with herself, constantly taking one step forward with her life then three steps back. The emotional toll was also causing physical impairment. We could feel a debilitating struggle with chronic pain and exhaustion within Cynthia.

A full written report of this and other intimate details was provided to Cynthia with an intuitive phone consultation. She confirmed and elaborated on all of the information in the report including her physical condition. For instance, the aftereffects of an oppressively religious childhood still followed her around at 48 years old. Procrastination was a daily hinderance and something she fought a losing battle with. Like the assessment discovered, Cynthia was a bright woman with an enterprising spirit who repeatedly “beat” herself down.

Being able to literally “see” herself clearly on paper and feel the healing interaction with her medical intuitive, Cynthia finally came to terms with what was causing her physical and mental stress. Today she is feeling measurable relief emotionally and as a result the physical symptoms have been eliminated or greatly reduced.

Energetic & Emotional Congestion

The information gleaned from Cynthia’s energetic body surfaced in the form of what we call energetic congestion or negative energy blocks. Basically energetic congestion forms when the mind is not listening to the body’s needs.

The vibrational frequency of emotional disturbance releases disrupted energy through thoughts and actions, creating more of what is believed and returning the same energy back to you.

Say the mind is in a state of distress over a physical ailment. A physical ailment is simply what the body uses to get our attention. But if we act on this distress with angry thoughts and hurtful actions towards ourselves and others, we literally create an environment where we block compassion and love. Internally, this energy will block the transmission of hormones that induce pain-relief, peace, and healing.

When one learns to understand the synchronicity of the body, mind, and spirit the body’s energies become more in alignment, allowing the energy to flow freely through the body. By becoming more empathic and compassionate with ourselves, we learn ways to heal and return to our ideal balance.

Becoming aware of your physical body and what it is saying to you through its subtle messages helps you access and understand your emotional and cognitive states, finally realizing how your personal manifestation cycle operates.

The Remedy

A trained Medical Intuitive knows that physical “cues” never take place in isolation but are triggered by emotions raised by things like relationships, family issues, or confusion over stressful, distorted thoughts.

The good news is that your energetic body, used by the physical body to “download” information, easily and readily opens to healing. The first and most important step in healing is becoming aware of energetic congestion and how it is specifically affecting your life and your body.

Even people that consciously utilize their intuition find a Medical Intuitive Assessment to be an eye-opening experience. A common misconception is that only individuals with medical conditions should request a Medical Intuitive assessment. This is not true. In fact, people feeling “stuck” in a life situation, those wanting to move forward, or even those who are “just curious” are often blown away by the information and key insights they receive.

It can be understandably difficult to see our lives and situations in an objective light. Stressful thoughts, internal biases, and desires will often cloud our insight. A Certified Medical Intuitive delivers your information with care, compassion, and details that are unique to you. You will see where you are physically and emotionally “blocked” and, more importantly, you will begin to understand the solution and the path forward.

You can have the life you want: healthy, passionate, abundant, and joyful - you deserve it.

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Author's Bio: 

Robine Yohm is a Certified Medical Intuitive with an extensive education in science and technology. She has also achieved her Certification in Medical Intuition.

As an actively practicing Intuitive, Robine helps guide clients to achieve wellness on their terms using the extensive information an intuitive scan provides.