If you have diabetes you know the day-to-day struggle the chronic disease brings with it. You have experienced the frustrations, complications, and discouragement from struggling to manage your condition. As with any chronic disease, there is more to situation than the search for a cure. Learning to live with diabetes is about both healing and curing.

Diabetes is a disease caused by excess sugar in the blood and abnormal levels of insulin. Most victims of diabetes are over the age of 45 and have an immediate family member who also has the disease. The condition may cause a number of symptoms including blurred vision, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and excessive thirst among others. Those with diabetes are also especially susceptible to foot problems.

Because diabetes damages the nerves and blood vessels, a patient’s ability to ward off infection is severely minimized. This can cause the death of tissue, including skin tissue. Oftentimes, a person with diabetes will not even notice a foot injury until the area is already infected. If the infection goes unnoticed, amputation becomes the only solution.

Curing your diabetes is up to your physician. He will work with you to prescribe the right medication and direct you in your new medicinal schedule. Healing your disease is largely up to you. You can do this by paying attention to your body’s needs and a change of mindset.

Simply learning to be mindful can improve your wellness and overall health. Learn to set time aside for light meditation or relaxation techniques. Go for a walk and focus on the nature that surrounds you. Let go of the past and future and learn to fully focus and appreciate the present. Learn to tackle just one task at a time. Research reveals that multi-taskers tend to have higher blood pressure.

It may be time for you to face the music. Your health depends on you being painfully honest with yourself now. Are you overweight? Could your diet use an overhaul? Are you addicted to salty snacks or sweets? In some cases, simply adopting a healthy lifestyle by dropping the weight and changing diet is enough to heal diabetes.

When your body receives fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and grains it is equipped with all the nutrients needed to function correctly. When you eliminate processed food and unhealthy junk food that has excessive sugar, fat, and additives you spare your body from the colossal task of attempting to break these substances down for digestion. Add regular exercise to the schedule and your body will begin to change for the better.

Even if a change in diet and exercise isn’t enough to cure your diabetes, they are a wonderful form of treatment. You will be surprised to see how much they – in addition to your medication – will help improve your wellness. Both things in conjunction – healing and curing – are your best defense against diabetes.

Author's Bio: 

Clement Ng's vision is to bring about happiness and fuller health for all people around their body, soul as well as physical wellness.


My mission is to create a union with the mind, body and soul. To inspire, nuture and reveal the human experiences that lead to happiness and logevity.


I offer you the skills to be aware of the clues and responsive to

- healthy eating,

- balanced diet,

- positive emotions for peace and happiness.

You cannot find the same kind of simple techniqiues anywhere else because what I show you here is the experiences I went though, internalized and simplified.

These may also include simple everyday exercise for a happy mind and healthy body, desigend for busy people or

recipes for delightful healthy goumet cooking for all kinds of health concerns.

Visit my site: http://wellnessfordiabetes.com/