The glycemic index of food list is a system that ranks foods according to how fast they raise the blood sugar level. Food that has a lower carbohydrate density has a score of lesser than 55. The advantage of eating food with low carbohydrate is that it raises the glucose level in the body slowly. Food with a medium amount of carbohydrate has a score of 55 - 70 on the glycemic index of foods list. Food that are rich in simple carbohydrate has a score of 70 and above in the glycemic index of foods list.

Food with high amount of carbohydrate is unhealthy because it has a lot of cholesterol and fat. It also can make you hungry at a faster rate. You will become hungry within a short time because the carbohydrate is converted into glucose at a fast rate. Your body will experience a sudden increase in blood sugar levels. The sudden increase in the glucose level will affect the brain and cause you to feel hungry. When you are hungry, you will overeat. Overeating is unhealthy because it can make you grow fatter. It causes you to become vulnerable to diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition, you also have a high chance of developing serious side effects that are related to diabetes. You will feel lazy and live a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, you won't have the motivation to exercise and lose weight.

By referencing the glycemic index of foods list, you are able to maintain a healthy diet. To maintain good health, you need to eat at least two servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit per day. You must keep in mind that not all fruits are low in the index. Most of the fruits have low and medium index rankings. Fruits that are low in GI include cherries, grapefruit, peach, apples, strawberries, coconut and oranges. Fruits that have medium score on the GI foods list are mango, banana, figs and papaya. Watermelon and dates have high index rating. Dates have the highest amount of simple carbohydrates.

You should reduce the intake amount of fruits that are rich in carbohydrates. For breakfast, you can eat bread that is made from whole wheat, mixed grain or linseed. You should avoid sweet bread such as croissant, bagel and baguette. Sweet snacks such as rice cakes, pretzels and wafers should be avoided in you diet. You can ask the advice of a doctor if you need help to create a healthy diet based on the glycemic index of foods list.

Author's Bio: 

Jonathan is main contributor and co-creator of the new Glycemic Index info based web-site: . Get lots more info there on the Glycemic Index of Foods List and also check out our free 10-part mini-eCourse, “Glycemic Index Secrets”, it might be all you’ll ever need (and did I mention it was free!!)