One of the cornerstones of finding your purpose is that you feel good inside. When you are in alignment with the Universe itself, it’s like you’re on the red carpet with life. There are still bumps along the way, but mostly the path is filled with smiles and smooth sailing.

Too often, however, we think that we need to keep feeling bad—and that somehow feeling bad is necessary or “something we have to go through”—to get where we want to go. This isn’t true, unless you put more value in experiencing depression than happiness. Truthfully, you don’t have to feel bad about anything because feeling bad is a choice.

If you are ready to feel good and use this positive feeling to find your purpose without going through a maze, here are some questions to use:

1) What makes you feel great, blissful, and puts you in the zone? This is a big clue as to your purpose and what brings you into alignment. Of course, real life isn’t always enjoyable and pain free, but when you feel good more often than bad, you will naturally have an ease that gets you through the rough patches.

2) What are you naturally good at? What talents, skills, or gifts come to you with little effort and ease? Some people are naturally good decision makers, planners and goal setters. Others are naturally spontaneous, creative, and whimsical. This nature of yours is something to embrace and hold dearly. Once you’re used to seeing your gifts as strengths, you’ll want to share them all the time—which makes you feel great!

3) What does your gut feeling say? Sometimes we think our purpose “should” be one way due to outdated beliefs or conditioning from our parents. If deep down, you know you’re not being authentic, it’s time to listen to this voice of intuition. The refusal to listen to your gut feeling is like constantly holding a secret in your heart. Your gut feeling and intuition is there to keep you happy and fulfilled, so listen.

Author's Bio: 

Cheryl Hitchcock is a Certified Clinical Counsellor and Coach for over 13 years. Cheryl received her credentials for counselling through traditional college education but began Spiritual Coaching as a result of working with Buddhist Monks for years. She received her Coaching certificate through online studies and then incorporated all these areas into her private practice.

With an acute understanding of how the brain, mind and body connect, Cheryl is in a unique position to help people with many diverse issues. "All people have infinite capabilities when it comes to creating their ideal lives". Cheryl has shown her clients that they are capable of great change, and change that is sustainable.

Because Cheryl is dedicated to helping people enhance their magnificence, and reduce stress and overcome problems, she offers her services at her client’s homes, offices and in the community. Cheryl also offers her services in the evenings, and some weekends to better fit her client's needs. Not only does she offer diverse hours and locations, Cheryl also offers online and telephone counselling.

Being an Agent of Change, Cheryl truly understands and recognizes the equality of all people and works in a supportive and non-judgemental way that truly connects with her clients. With all of the wonderful things that Cheryl is able to manifest in her life, she feels grateful to be able to help others and share her knowledge, strategies and insights with others in a unique and positive way.

Cheryl is also a renowned public speaker and author. Her newest book is entitled, "Just Give Your Head a Shake...and Change Your Life for the Better". It is currently available through