Rhonda Byrne’s book and movie, The Secret, sold 21 million copies. It served an important mission: It popularized the Law of Attraction and emphasized the importance of Positive Thinking.
It also focused on feeling gratitude, as if you already received what you focused on. It introduced the power of visualization and “dream boards.” The bottom line is that you can have whatever you want if you can imagine it with feelings. All the information in The Secret is not new. It follows Wallace Wattles’ 1910 book, The Science of Getting Rich and Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich.
While the information in The Secret is true, it is not the entire truth. There is a lot that is missing. Most of the people who were interviewed in the film realized that and wrote their own versions of what was missing. What is the secret behind The Secret?
For example, Joe Vitale wrote a few books: The Attraction Factor. In 2009, he published The Key: the Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want. He writes: “Obviously, getting clear of your inner blocks is the missing secret to attracting whatever you want.” And in 2011, he expanded on this theme in his book, Instant Manifestation: the Real Secret of Attracting What You Want. He brings the subconscious into the equation. He even devised a DVD with a hypnotherapist, which gives you subliminal suggestions, directed to your subconscious, to try to influence your subconscious in a positive way.
I find it to be a brilliant marketing idea. Yet, the problem is not going to be solved if you have subconscious sabotage. If you have a conflict between what you consciously feel and whatever feelings you have in your subconscious, the subconscious will always win. It is much more powerful.
Jack Canfield, who was one of The Secret contributors, wrote the book, Key to Living the Law of Attraction. In the book, he writes that the tools include: affirmation, visualization, attitude (gratitude), prayer and meditation, action, and belief.
In 2011, Bob Doyle, another of the people interviewed in The Secret, published his book, Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power: Everything You Need to Know About the Law of Attraction.
And, in 2009, Bob Proctor wrote, Become a Magnet to Money Through the Sea of Unlimited Consciousness. In this book, he basically recommended to begin by being happy and grateful, and this is the magnet for abundance.
In my years of practicing Energy Psychology and psychiatry, I became completely convinced that as only less than 3% of our mind is conscious, the most important factor in determining what we attract is what is going on in our subconscious. You cannot be happy, or healthy or in good relationship if subconsciously you feel you don't deserve it. You cannot attract abundance if subconsciously feel it is not safe, etc.
So, obviously the missing link in having the Law of Attraction working for you is to detect and eliminate the subconscious self sabotage. My Sabotage Correction Technique (SCT) is designed to do that. I teach you how to use Energy Muscle Testing (EMT) to find where your subconscious blocks are, within minutes, rather than bring you to my office and putting you on the sofa for ten years. Then using the simple SCT technique you can be free to remove the self sabotage and have the Law of Attraction working for you.
Dr. Slonim is a Board Certified psychiatrist. Most recently she was a co-director of two NATO projects. She has been the Medical Director of the DSA Medical Clinic in Beverly Hills, CA since 1984, integrating Energy Psychology in her practice.
Dr. Slonim is the author of the book and DVD The First Key, How to Remove Subconscious Sabotage, also available as an e-book with video links. She also wrote How to Remove Self Sabotage to Financial Success with 2 DVDs and a CD.
For more information on Dr. Slonim visit www.thefirstkey.com
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