Have you found the best cure to beat the sinus blues? You and the almost 38 million Americans in the United States suffering from sinusitis annually are aware that finding the most effective medicine for sinusitis can be very difficult. Many chronic sinusitis sufferers have tried different methods of sinus medication to no avail. Quick fixes like OTC drugs are widely used, and more and more people are resorting to non-traditional healing methods because they couldn’t really achieve the results they are looking for. To find the right sinus medication treatment, you must make sure that it is backed by the latest scientific evidence, technologically advanced, and more importantly, doctor-prescribed. Sinusitis, if not treated correctly, leads to more serious illnesses and complications later on.

Sinus Infection Problems
Sinusitis symptoms include cough, congestion, fever, fatigue, facial pain and pressure, and post nasal drip, all of which may have started from the common cold. Nasal allergy patients, on the other hand, are allergic to allergens like weed, pollen and dust, with patients showing signs of itchy, watery eyes, nose and throat; sneezing and congestion.

Most Common Treatment Methods for Sinusitis
Home Remedies. Most home remedies have been passed on through the years from generation to generation. Eucalyptus mint neckwraps for sore throat, steam inhalation for congestion, and hot and cold compresses on the forehead are some home treatment practices applied to lessen the severity of sinusitis symptoms. As good, easy and cheap as they may be, home remedies could not be relied upon for the long haul.

Non-traditional Healing Methods. Ancient methods such as acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, homeopathy, and herbalism are now considered as alternative options to treat sinusitis. But scientists declare most of these practices as questionable-- with no adequate testing, no scientific evidence and lack of scientific merit.

Temporary Relief Sinus Medication. Over-the-counter drugs, nasal decongestants, nasal sprays, and oral antibiotics provide fast, immediate relief. But results are temporary and inconsistent. Prolonged use of these oral drugs also causes unfavorable side effects like lethargy, drowsiness and diarrhea.

The One Sinus Medication That Stands Out
Hundreds of thousands of chronic sinusitis and allergy patients have benefited from the amazing results of aerosolized sinus medication. It is considered as the best sinus medication therapy today. Aerosolized sinus medication employs the use of a compact nebulizer that pumps doctor-prescribed liquid medications into small mist particles to be inhaled by the sinusitis patient. These medications (antifungal, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory) are prepared by a sinus pharmacy upon the order of your physician. Once inhaled, the mist goes right to the sinus infection, giving you immediate relief from the symptoms of sinusitis. Side effects are greatly reduced to a minimum since treatment is topical in nature.

No Need for Other Medicines
Aerosolized sinus medication is an effective treatment for your sinus problems. With the help of a sinus compounding pharmacy, you will find that treating sinusitis has never been so efficient and easy.

Stop sinusitis before it gets worse. Prevention is the first line of defense in combating sinus infections. Observe strict personal hygiene and avoid allergens that trigger sinus nasal reactions.

Ask your doctor about the sinus medications you need to solve all your sinusitis miseries. Learn more about aerosolized sinus medication today.

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For more information, visit http://www.sinusinfectionproblems.com/