Articles are used by webmasters and writers as the main mode of conveying a message. To be more effective, webmasters and writers have to submit them to article directories. There are many reasons for this. They include:

1. Attract more visitors to your site or article - Most of these directories have very high traffic. Article submissions on a popular topic will result in more visitors to your website. Submit your article to as many article directories as you can for free high quality traffic.

2. SEO - A back link from a high traffic, content-rich site can do a wonders for your site in terms of SEO. Search engines value such links. When you submit your article to a directory, include a link to your site. Your site will move up the SERPs with time.

3. Reputation - A well written article will get people interested in you as a writer and webmaster. They will start looking for similar content either from your website or from your other article submissions. Make sure all articles are well researched and thought out and have a unique twist to set yourself apart.

4. Creating a stir - Your article submissions may be on a topic that affects many people. You may want many people to read your views but you may not have a highly trafficked site. You could choose to submit your article in a reputable article directory and benefit from their reputation and high search engine rankings.

5. Practice - Frequent article submissions will make you a better writer and webmaster. This is because there are strict guidelines to be adhered to before an article can be published. The more you write on a topic following these guidelines, the better you become. Also, you will want to make sure that your articles get the most visitors so you will do proper research and find a twist to set your work apart. The result is success in your writing career.

6. Branding - If you own a business or a brand, numerous article submissions in various article directories is a very effective branding strategy. The success of a brand depends on reach. The more people associate your brand with usefulness the more it will be accepted. Including your brand with well researched content is the way to go. Avoid stolen or spam content. This should be used in tandem with other aspects like social media advertising.

7. Resource management - Article submissions to the most reputable article directories is free. Finding creative ways to profit from a free resource will teach you the importance of resource management. You will thus be a better webmaster or business person as you will have gained a skill on how to properly manage available resources for the highest profit.

8. Valuable experience - Using article directories on a regular basis will help you understand how the internet works. You will understand which topics garner most interest and profits and which don't. You will understand how best to market your website and expertise. This will take time but the results will be worth the efforts.

Finally, make sure you submit your article only on reputable sites for the greatest effect.

Author's Bio: 

Matt Bacak is considered by many an Internet Marketing Legend. Using his stealth marketing techniques, he became a Best Selling author with a huge fan base of over 300k people in his niche as well as built multi-million dollar companies.

Since Matt has been an internet marketer for over 10 years now, his techniques and strategies are widely used across the internet and he has taught many of the Whos Who of internet marketing.