If you are new or sort of new to practicing massage, you may be asking yourself, "Do I want an office or do I want to freelance?" Those are very good questions. I like both, and would recommend that you try both. In this Article, we discuss the Pros and Cons of having a massage office. The Pros and Cons of on-location massage are another article. Below, I will first list the Pros of having a massage office followed by the Cons of having a massage office. After reading about the pros and cons of having a massage office, you can make an informed decision based on the information I've provided below.

The Pros

Having a massage office gives you a regular place to practice and store your equipment and supplies. If you want to offer other specialty forms of massage like Hot Stone Massage, having an office is ideal because who wants to carry all that around with them?

An office gives you a location for deliveries of things like a laundry service. Typically laundry services will only offer drop off and pick up so they need a regular business address. If you have a busy practice, the savings of time will offset the costs of using a laundry service.

An office gives you a sense of credibility and professionalism. Some clients just prefer to have a place to go. Imagine if you are a busy person with family at home. Going to an office can give someone a break from their busy schedule.

If you are lucky enough to share an office with another provider, you may be able to offer insurance massage and go through their billing which brings up another bonus. In a shared office with other providers, you will probably get tons of referrals but be sure to reciprocate!

If you have your own office, you can set it up just the way you like it! It's important to create a relaxing environment for your clients but why not add some things you enjoy as well? Do your best to create an environment that will be inviting and relaxing for your clients.

The Cons

You have to pay rent Of course having an office brings with it the extra expense of rent. Be realistic on what you can afford and your ability to bring in clients. Some folks will share their space with others until they've built their practice up enough to be able the swing the rent on their own.

Advertising costs money. How are you going to get clients to come to your office? In the beginning, before you've established a steady stream of clients, you'll need to spend some money to get them to the office. If you do this right, your advertising dollars will be well spent. If done correctly, usually the cost of advertising should be covered by getting one client in the door. If it's costing you more, you may want to revise your advertising strategy.

Sometimes you have to sign a lease. What if you've signed a lease and you decide it was a mistake? Well, you are still responsible for that rent for the remainder of the lease. You may be able to sublease depending on the terms but once you sign the agreement, you are financially responsible for this obligation. If you are unsure about making this kind of commitment, take some time to think about it.

Tardy Clients. This is one of those things you just can't control. It's frustrating and annoying and inconsiderate and people do it all the time. They come here to relax and when they're late, it creates all kinds of stress for you. Maybe you scheduled multiple massage treatments back to back. When one person is late, it gives you less time to prepare for your next client. Also, its annoying when they expect a full hour when they're 15-20 minutes late.

No-Shows. This is my ultimate con of having a massage office. When you take the time to drive to the office and then you get everything ready and then, where are they? Of course, they never answer the phone when you call to find out where they are. It happens, it's not fun and some places will now require a credit card to prevent this from happening. It's up to you how you want to run your business but it's always good to know the possible Pros and Cons of any situation before making an informed decision.

If the office is only open when you're there, you could be left alone with a strange person. I've had strange men and women that have been a cause for concern so we're not going to attack any particular gender here. Both can be weird and make you feel unsafe. If you're going to choose the office route, I highly recommend that you use an office where others are coming and going so you can get help if you need it.

Clients that are out of it. When you do your job and your client feels relaxed it's great. Sometimes you did your job too well and they may not be ready to drive. If you have no other clients scheduled at the office, guess what? You are stuck hanging out there until they're okay to drive. Who knows how long that will take?

In conclusion, it's really up to you to decide when and how to utilize the office scenario to your best advantage. Having an office can do wonders to give legitimacy to your practice but responsibilities come with having an office. a It's a good idea to know the upside and downside of it before making a decision. I hope this information helps you in your decision-making.

Author's Bio: 

Lea Johnson has been a practicing licensed massage therapist for almost two decades. She is now thrilled to share her no-nonsense advice to other licensed massage practitioners to help them find their own way into their practice or improve the one they have. http://www.greatmassagetips.com