Over the past few years I have become increasingly fascinated with the whole concept of metaphysics or The universal law of attraction which is the term most of us are more familiar with. I began to explore and embrace affirmations especially those of Louise Hay who has guided many people gently through the process of transforming their thoughts to assist in bettering their lives and healing themselves physically and emotionally.

Then there is the phenomenon of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This book and movie really connected with me. It is more of a factual guidance that reveals something fascinating and intriguing to me. The power of our thought and the history behind the power of this knowledge really sparked something inside me and I started to implement conscious thought processes in my life to test if it worked.

As I am a spiritual person and I have made a transformation within that has connected deeply with my inner spirit, I knew that any conscious alterations in my thought process would also have to complement the peace and fulfilment that I have achieved through my inner connection.

I started off small. If my day was not flowing well, I would stop for a short time and readjust my thoughts to a more positive mindset and every time I did this my day would change towards being a more positive and enjoyable experience. The energy I was putting out there was the energy that I was receiving back.

I also used the same principle with my children. When they would be going crazy and getting on my nerves I would readjust my thoughts and remind myself that they are just children who need loving guidance and by playing up and messing about they were just being healthy kids and testing their boundaries. If I was to respond in a furious over reactive way then I was just affirming to them that their behaviour is aceeptable as I was responding in the same way and they would then continue on their rampage but when I took a few moments to adjust my thoughts and feelings and consciously send love to them I found that almost immediately they changed their behaviour. The same principles applied when my husband was having an off day!

The point I am making is that immediately in that one moment I was able to apply simple changes that made a positive difference in MY life.

I put together a vision board and events began presenting themselves to me which lead me towards achieving my dreams. I discovered that part of the process of receiving everything we want from life is to be open and aware of the opportunities that came our way after we request something, whilst also using our heart and being guided by our inner spirit as to whether the choices we are making are right for us.


The connection I make with Spirituality and The Law of attraction to put it simply, I would say that if we ask for it and things shift to enable us to receive it and our heart is affirming that it is right for us then don’t deprive yourself. It is right for you! Our inner spirit is our guide and it will not allow us to drift too far off our path without letting us know.

When we as individuals connect with our inner spirit we activate our strongest intension. When we connect this intension with our desire for something to manifest, whether it be emotional, spiritual, material or any other medium, we activate our strongest power.


When we approach things with a true glowing passion we will receive far more quickly. A lot of things that I do I do with passion and a whole hearted true intension. Things happen for me very quickly. I discovered that I was passionate about becoming a writer. In 2 and a half years I have written 2 novels, over 60 articles and set up a rapidly growing publishing business and all of this whilst being a mum to four. Every single step of this process I was guided towards what I needed to do in each moment. I am now finishing off my third novel and my heart is singing.

Negative influences

I have come to realise, through my own experiences and other interactions that I have witnessed, that the people we connect with regularly can have a huge impact on our mood and therefore influence our thoughts and life outcomes. Do you put up with a negative influence in your life because they are a family member or you work closely with them or another reason? Well if you do I strongly advise that you try your best to limit, as much as possible, any interactions with them, if this seems impossible then try your best to make any interactions with that person more positive.

You can also consciously create an energy shield around yourself to block out the toxic energies that this person projects by taking a moment to centre yourself within. Doing this will create a stronger centre of balance for you and follow that by imagining that you have a protective shield around your whole body, nothing this person says or does will alter the way that you are feeling right now. Keep yourself conscious that you are not going to let your feelings be altered by anything the negative influences the other person expresses.

Religion and attraction

Many people access their ability to attract things through how they practice religion. Prayer is very powerful as often it is not only one person, but many people all focusing on the one outcome for themselves or another. There are many different religions all of which can influence the power of thought through their practice.

It was by watching the movie The Secret that I realised that the power of combined, focused thought is covenanted as it has the potential to alter the pattern of life for us all it is that strong.

When large groups of people get together with the same passion and intension the energy emitted is on a transforming level and the universe must do its job in responding. This is not only the case for in religion but also for worldwide campaigns, rallies where a lot of people gather together for the same cause and in today’s society the internet can reach so many so the energy combined from all over the globe at a specific time has monumental potential to shift energy frequencies.


This topic is something that I am passionate about and I shall be writing more and more articles on different aspects of The Law of Attraction. I have been fortunate enough to have been able to study both the basic and advanced levels of The Law of Attraction through courses developed by Joe Vitale and Steve G. Jones. I have now completed all testings and assessments required to achieve the status of Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner and as with anytime I learn something new I want to share my new found knowledge and personal thoughts on the topic with you all.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and please feel free to comment below as all your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Author's Bio: 

Karen is a writer for the website She is a mum of 5 wonderful children, two boys and three girls. She has a passion for writing and sharing inspiring stories with the world which led her to become a co-founder of Karen is also an accredited Advanced Law of Attraction Practioner and is currently working on a book that connects spirituality and the law of attraction. The above article with be featured in the book. Karen has also written and published 2 novels in The Enlightenment Series and the third is almost complete.