Perhaps, the tonsil stones information that provided relief to sufferers is that it is not dangerous to health. However, the symptoms can be very embarrassing, as well as irritating. The Mayo Clinic enlightens us that the condition may not pose a direct threat to health; however, leaving the stones untreated, may ultimately become a source of infection. Fortunately, more information is available on the internet, on websites and eBooks.

The tonsils have pockets or openings that can trap food debris, fluids, and bacteria, which eventually leverage bacterial build-up. All these elements cause embarrassing symptoms, which can affect social life, at work, at school, or your everyday interaction with people, and even at home. Now, let us take a look on some of the symptoms of the condition.

Undeniable Symptoms

Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath, the first and noticeable symptoms of tonsil stones. As the pockets becoming filled with mucus, food debris, and dead skin cells, the bacteria proliferates, and thus, the breath has an unpleasant odor. In due course, the mixture solidifies and grows, until it swells and cause pain in the ears, throat, when swallowing. The matter that solidifies is whitish or yellowish when extracted.

The tonsil stone information also indicates that the pain from throat and ears seem unlikely, however, they share the same nerve ending. Therefore, when the ears feel pain, tonsil stones could cause it. The tonsils also swell, difficult to swallow and is painful at that.

Recommended Treatments for Tonsilolliths

One of the most aggressive forms of removal is by surgical means when dealing with tonsil stones. However, this option is only necessary when the tonsils become worse or totally infected. The laser treatment is benign, in which the CO2 laser closes the pockets to prevent Tonsilolliths. Both treatments can incur a large fee, and becomes a choice only if necessary.

However, there are home remedies that cost almost nothing. The holistic approach entails treatment and prevention. The removal may require a cotton swab with a long stick, through dental or water jet irrigation, and or by means of using ear curette. Aside from the mentioned tools, you should also need a mirror and ample lighting. A clean pair of hands is also necessary, as the one of the goal also includes minimizing bacterial build up.

Tonsilolliths not Tonsillitis

Medical studies confirmed that tonsil stones is different from Tonsillitis, although the two condition may share some of the symptoms. They have different causes, but the doctor may recommend removing the tonsils if remedies can no longer control the symptoms.

Tonsillitis signifies viral or bacterial infection, causing the tonsils to turn red and swollen. Since it is an infection, fever, and chills soon manifest. Tonsillitis necessitates drug prescriptions from the doctor, or removal by means of surgery. In contrast, Tonsilolliths is not an infection, although it is merely the accumulation of debris and bacteria, the condition requires no immediate surgery or anti-bacterial treatments. Nevertheless, there is a need for removing the tonsil stones employing simple home remedies.

Preventative Measures are Best

Holistic experts, physicians, and dentists, provided advice to practice proper oral care and nutrition, as well as steering clear of dirty eating utensils. Avoid sharing eating utensils and food is a good step to prevent bacterial transfer. Hygiene also constitutes good preventative measures. In addition to that, always wash hands and equipment every tonsil stones removal.

Getting the right information about the condition gets rid of confusion. There are eBooks that offers complete information, treatments, remedies, prevention, and much other essential information. Thus, in turn, you can help others spread the truth about tonsil stones information.

Author's Bio: 

Discover simple, easy and cheap way to permanently get rid of your tonsil stones for good without surgery. Learn what what causes tonsil stones and how to prevent tonsil stones from returning for the rest of your life.