Some days, it does feel like you are working your socks off and getting absolutely nowhere, doesn’t it?

You can see the goal you are aiming for and it seems so close and yet also, so far away.

It is like the Walls Of Jericho.

The walls are thick.

The walls are high.

The walls look unshakeable!

And everything you desire, is inside of the walls…

How are you supposed to get in there?

And you are already tired from the journey to get here anyway!

You have gone from one crazy event to another…

And now you are expected to get past this wall too!


When is enough, ENOUGH?

All those promises that you know are yours…

When will they become your reality?

And you are tempted to give up, to give into doubt, to stop following the intuitive whispers within you…

Your mind is telling you over and over and OVER AGAIN that it is impossible to get into the promised land…

You just want to be normal, be able to lie down and settle for a normal life but you tried that already and it was boring so you know there is no point in thinking that you can settle for that.

And so you stand there.

Nowhere to go back to…

Seemingly no way forward…

All the while, there is a little whisper inside of you, An intuitive nudge that you are almost in, you have almost broken through…

“Do not stop now!” It says…

But at the same time, louder, more scary sounding is another voice – It is the voice of fear – It is yelling at you to bow down, to give up, to stop now before you get any deeper into a mess.

“Who the hell do you think you are to think you can have all that?” It says…

“You are deluded” it says…

And you feel petrified into stillness by this crazy voice…

You hardly hear the persistent calmer voice beneath the crazy one…

And yet, one of the lessons you learnt on the journey to here, is to go deeper than the crazy voice and so, you listen deeper…

You acknowledge fear, you even thank it for trying to keep you safe and you start to affirm what you know your life is to be about…

You listen in to the deeper voice and you act…

And as you look on at the wall, you see bits of concrete start to fall off it…

You are astounded because you have not done anything directly to it – All you have done is listen to the intuitive nudges within you and kept moving forward…

It did not even feel like a direct attack on the wall because whenever you tried to beat down the wall with the force of your own will, it just seems impossible and you got battered and bruised but nowhere closer to the win.

And yet now, as you calmly keep acting on the whispers within you which almost feel like circling the wall, rather than a direct attack, you see the wall starting to fall down…

You do things like handle that communication problem in your relationship and some more of the wall crumbles…

And you speak with more respect to your children rather than the frustration you have been spewing on them recently and more of the wall crumbles…

You own your greatness and show up in the marketplace powerfully and the wall crumbles…

You allow yourself to come up with novel new ideas for products to put to your people and the wall crumbles…

You keep writing out your big vision daily and the wall crumbles…

You forgive that family member who said and did those horrid things to you and the wall crumbles…

You value yourself and your opinions and stop allowing others to take advantage of you and the wall crumbles…

You affirm your big goals and act as someone who knows it is a done deal and the wall crumbles…

You keep/start working with that coach (who you feel led to work with) when you are tempted to give into the feeling of scarcity that threatens to assail you and the wall crumbles…

You grow your intimacy with Spirit by choosing to listen in more intently and have conversations with Source and again the wall crumbles…

You build out that autoresponder series that offers your products for sale one after the other, even when you hate having to do it… and the wall crumbles

You keep advertising even when you feel tempted to stop and the wall crumbles…

You create space for a pampering day to rest your weary soul even when it feels diva-ish and silly to do and the wall crumbles…

You get that team member on board even when you are not sure how to afford it and the wall crumbles…

You explore your sexuality and get over your fears around it and the wall crumbles…

And one day, you look around you and you realise that you are now within the walls of that city and you have everything you dreamt of!  WAHEY!

Was there ONE thing that took you in there?

No, not really…

It was the deliberate, consistent intuitive actions combined together that got you everything you desire…

Listen in to the internal promptings, Leader…

Then ACT!

The walls are falling down – Success, Prosperity, Wealth, Abundance are yours for the asking!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live

Because you want to!

PS – The PROSPEROUS ENTREPRENEUR is here – Private Mentoring Business Bootcamp for the spirit-driven entrepreneurial leader.

3 One on One Sessions

6 Group Coaching Sessions

6 Modules –

Week 1 – Intuitive Product Creation For That Rapid Sales Injection
Week 2 – Call in Your Perfect People Who Buy All Your Stuff
Week 3 – Capture Them For Recurring Income
Week 4 – Launch & Sales Strategies For Ongoing Empire Expansion
Week 5 – The Charismatic & Clear Leader That Gets Attention & Changes Lives
Week 6 – CONFIDENCE That delivers Clients & Cash

Bonus Seat At DM Live Online – The most transformational event EVER!
Bonus: Spirit-Led Direction One on One Session With me – Get guidance specific to you
Bonus – 5K Sales Machine – 9 weeks breaking down everything you need for $5k plus months online

And here is your day 1 discount –

We start Wednesday 16th November


Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online