One of the biggest problems Americans face is obesity. In fact, latest estimates confirm that over 35% of us are seriously overweight; the numbers have been this high for more than a decade as of 2011. When you consider all that the top diseases and killers of people are largely weight-related, it is safe to say that we are slowly eating ourselves to death.
The reasons we desire to lose often have to do with physical appearance, more than with overall health. This is, of course, fine; from the dire situation that one-third of us and our loved ones is in, any reason we do. The question is, how do we start? For someone that has never picked up a weight or jogged for any reason other than to flag down an ice cream truck, weight loss can be a daunting task. Nonetheless, it is clear that weight loss is a necessary task, given what’s at stake. The key is to make a plan to make it seem less like a burden and more like the necessity it is. Predictably, it all starts with our eating habits, and ends with exercise.
For many people, weight loss entails a wholesale change in lifestyle, which can – and should – be done gradually. Start with the little things you do, such as replacing soft drinks with water, especially when you aren’t eating a meal. Water, all by itself, helps regulate your metabolism, which is directly related to your ability to burn fat. Yet, so many people go through the day without drinking any pure water at all! This crucial liquid carries toxins and waste from your body, and when you are substituting it with sugared drinks; you are missing this benefit almost entirely.
The next thing you can do is to avoid eating 2-3 large meals each day. Your body simply will be unable to convert all the calories from a big meal into energy for the tasks for the day, and will instead convert a substantial portion of that into fat, to store for lean times. The problem is, this age-old mechanism doesn’t account for the fact that there are no more lean times in this day and age for the average American! Separating your meals into 5-6 smaller portions per day will, all by itself, do wonders for your overall weight loss (amazingly, this is true even if you eat the same number of calories!), as the body will never experience hunger with frequent small, healthy meals, and so won’t crave the calorie-filled carbohydrates that are so lucrative for vending machine companies.
Yet another thing to do to encourage weight loss and general health is to be sure you eat a good breakfast. In fact, breakfast should probably be your large meal of the day, because you need to re-energize your body with the optimal proportion of carbohydrates, protein and fat after such a long time fasting. After all, you haven’t – presumably – eaten in almost half a day by the time you wake up! Starting the day off with a high-protein meal like Greek yogurt, mixed with some strawberries or honey for carbs is a great way to go for the serious weight-loss student. Of course, you can add to that breakfast with a side of something; preferably something that provides some fat, such as flaxseed oil, tuna, olive oil, etc. I personally prefer a full cup of Fage Greek yogurt with honey or granola, and a side of boiled eggs with orange juice. This can and should vary, of course.
Losing weight is one of the few things we can control that has such a tremendous effect on our lives, and we have a responsibility to our children and society to try. As the new century pushes forward, we have got to meet this challenge head-on, especially when we have all the knowledge necessary to do so.
Christina Thomas and a group of aerobics instructors in her part-time class is concerned with the rising numbers on obesity and all the detriments to weight loss tips in our society today. As a retailer for Fage Greek yogurt, she can speak to the positive benefits of its naturally fat-fighting ingredients, as well as the universal use it has as a replacement for many condiments from sour cream to cheese. Weight loss begins with modifying our diets, and there is no more serious time to start than today on a Greek yogurt diet or healthy alternative.
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