What is the essence of Feng Shui? Is it clearing clutter? Rearranging your furniture? Purchasing a special object or ‘cure’? Feng Shui is about all those things, but none of those things represent the essential quality of Feng Shui. You’ve probably heard me say, “Feng Shui isn’t about the stuff, it’s about the energy.” Did you wonder what I meant?

Feng Shui is about Yin and Yang, the ebb and flow of energy around us, the give and take that occurs in all aspects of our lives. Moving energy is energy that circulates, and energy that circulates flows. Feng Shui is about creating flow, a dynamic interaction between what we give and what we get. Let me give you an example. Take a breath, a deep breath and now take another one without exhaling. Can you do it? Of course not, it’s impossible to only breathe in. You have to exhale before you can inhale – you have to give before you can take.

When you begin to practice Feng Shui, you are learning to give energy to your environment with the anticipation of getting something in return. In simplistic terms, your changes will probably look and feel better, and that’s good. But even more exciting, when you invest yourself in your living space, making space for the change you desire, you open yourself up to an abundant exchange. And good fortune is returned.

To experience abundance, give abundantly.

I know some of you are thinking, “OK, that’s fine when things in my life are working, when things are safe and predictable.” Your life is a result of your past experiences. The perfect time to change your patterns is when things aren’t going exactly as you’d like them. When you change the way things are today, your future experience changes. So, if things aren’t the way you want them to be - make a change.

How can you give when it’s all you can do to get by? The spirit of generosity is about giving of ourselves whenever we can simply because we can. There are many ways to begin to attract positive energy in your life. Smile at people you pass in the street. Hold the door for the person behind you. When you ask someone how they are, mean it and listen to their story. Compliment others – notice when people do things right. Help someone with directions or a heavy package. Donate your time or skills to a charity or non-profit organization. Be patient. Forgive someone. Release the past, when you stop holding onto the past you can move forward. Appreciate the beauty all around you. Be thankful.

“We get what we give.”

When you open your heart to others, you feel good, and when you feel good, the hearts of others open to you - your consciousness changes. When you give for the sake of giving, you invite the spirit of generosity into your life, and abundance flows from generosity.

Embrace it!

3 Top Feng Shui Tips for the Holidays (it’s not about the stuff, but when it is….)

1. Review your holiday decorations. This year, instead of putting out everything, put out only those items that you really love; items that truly create a sense of comfort for you. The beauty of collections is truly experienced when we view them selectively. When we view our collections in small arrangements, or in phases, we are better able to really appreciate each item.

2. As you rearrange your space to make room for your holiday décor, view your belongings and rooms with a fresh perspective. Look past current and previous usage to how your rooms and things can be adapted to suit your actual needs, now. Allow yourself the freedom to create living spaces that support your needs and desires.

3. Try not to overload yourself with unrealistic expectations of yourself and others. Give some thought to ways you can slow down, embrace the season and the joyful moments. Keep it simple. Keep it doable. Keep it fun. Let go of the rest.

I wish you an abundant holiday season filled with comfort, joy and gratitude. May the New Year bring all you desire and more!

Copyright © 2009 Harmony Life, LLC. All rights reserved.


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Feng Shui Teacher, Designer and Entrepreneur Laurie Bornstein, is the author and creator of ‘Feng Shui Lifestyle’, her FREE monthly ezine filled with Feng Shui and Lifestyle tips and marketing articles empowering you live and work in beauty and balance.

Author's Bio: 

Feng Shui Teacher, Designer and Entrepreneur Laurie Bornstein, is the author and creator of ‘Feng Shui Lifestyle’, her FREE monthly ezine filled with Feng Shui and Lifestyle tips and marketing articles empowering you live and work in beauty and balance. Visit http://www.harmony-life.net to learn more