Most journeys that involve public transport are usually very safe, but there might be a time when you do feel particularly vulnerable on a journey so it makes sense to be prepared.
If you do feel threatened on public transport it’s important to get to a place of safety immediately.
Get up and move and never show that you are frightened and always project an air of confidence and calm always use and project strong body language as sometimes that alone will be enough.
Change carriages if you are able or go and sit next to the guard if there is one, or if you can sit with a group of people or a family and explain to them that you feel threatened and could you sit with them please or If you feel confident enough get off at the next stop but do try to make sure there are people around.
If you really feel there is no alternative and are feeling frightened and being threatened, don’t be afraid to pull the communication chord and also scream and shout and make as much noise as you possibly can. This should be enough to deter most people as they are purely opportunists and looking for an easy target, don’t be that target.
On buses always sit in an aisle seat if you possibly can, that way you can’t be hemmed against the window.
If you can’t get an aisle seat try to sit behind the driver as all buses now have two way radios and help can be summoned very quickly.
If you should find yourself unavoidably at lonely bus stops or on quiet platforms always sit or stand in a well lit area or as close to a group of people that you can and preferably next to the green intercoms that most stations have nowadays.
Bus stations and bus stops can be confusing and lonely places so always make sure that you know the destination of your bus and always try to get clear directions at the other end if you are going to unfamiliar territory.
If you do need to ask directions at the other end try to ask the driver or ask at a petrol station or shop but never ask a total stranger as they could follow you and take advantage of your disorientation.
This kind of incident has been known to happen.
Best wishes,
Garth Delikan
The Lifestyle Guy - Personal Empowerment Coach
When I first started out along this path, many years ago, the concept of The Lifestyle Guy came to mind...
I, and perhaps you, like many people over the years who go through significant personal change, are given a second chance to begin life again - but this time by new rules.
This is a veritable crossroad of life, where great things can begin to happen if you choose the correct path.
Lifestyle is a great word because it encompasses so many concepts, but to my mind, it means the ability to change what you want in your life, whether personal or professional, by taking control of your own emotions and your own destiny!
When a person is stressed it could impact on their health and lifestyle in several ways. Nutrition, weight management and if you don’t feel good about yourself there could be a fear around personal safety. The key factor to gain control of self confidence centres around stress management.
All of my courses and workshops work along the same themes, which is EMPOWERMENT, CONFIDENCE and how to attain and use it.
All my dynamic workshops are for up to 25 people designed around the needs of your team that will give them new confidence boosting, stress busting, and effective communication skills that they can use in the workplace and also in their lifestyle.
So if you need a hand, take a few steps with The Lifestyle Guy, and discover how he can help you personally, or your company, exceed all expectations... If you have any questions, or if you would just like to have an impartial chat, contact me anytime.
Garth Delikan
The Lifestyle Guy
Personal Empowerment Coach
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