I am going to live as if I were dancing on roses
I will treat everyday as a miracle.
I will claim each small step toward my goals as the giant victory it is.
I will find millions of things to be grateful for
I will tell people I love them as often as I can. If a day goes by and I haven't said, "I love you," I will look in the mirror and say it wholeheartedly to myself
I will smile every time I remember and I will remember a lot. I may even put up happy face stickers.
I will laugh at something funny everyday to keep my tickle bone in shape
I am going to make at least one wonderful new friend. Could it be you?
I am going to be a little more happy with who I am because I am wonderful. This is my year to "get it."
I am going to find many more things to be happy about and work to eliminate at least one thing I complain about, either by forgetting it or giving it away, or fixing it or removing it.
All throughout THIS YEAR….
I'm going to love how I look and tell myself every single day, if not every single hour.
I'm going to look for that one or thousands of things each day to amaze me. Things that are just pregnant and waiting to deliver in that unique day.
When I feel like I'm struggling, I'm going to pull back, let go and hit my reset button with the Easy button. I think I'll be pushing it a lot until it becomes a habit.
I'm going to smile at a baby as often as I can. In fact I'm going to search them out just so we can share smiles (and not scare their parents of course) Those babies need me to smile at too.
I'm going to forgive a little faster.
I'm going to fly a little more and dive a little less.
I'm going to hold any grudges I've been carrying a little looser and maybe even drop them altogether.
I'm going to make my little part of the world more beautiful.
I'm going to look for more stars and rainbows. This is a year that needs a lot of sparkle and I can find it and bring. In fact, I can be the sparkle.
These decisions won't all be easy to carry out but this year I have the willpower, drive, energy and desire to make this year my best.
Even if I do just a little better this year I will be light years better because of my efforts.
This is an important year and I have a big role to play in this year. I am part of this great yearly circle of life that brings me a little higher and smarter and wiser and kinder if I can claim this year and squeeze the fullness out of it into myself. Every thing I need is waiting for this to happen.
This year I'm going to dream the biggest dreams ever and have the biggest expectations of life because this is a big year.
This year is my BEST year. And when next year rolls around I will be able to say of This Year, "What a Year!" "The best ever!"
Thank you thank you Thank you.
From working with Olympic Athletes to top public figures, award-winning producer Terri Marie has produced over 30 documentaries meant to inspire and uplift her audiences worldwide. Her work has aired on Network Television, PBS, and cable stations. Portions of her work have also aired in Europe. Her skiing footage was viewed on the giant screens at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. Terri Marie is the author of six books including her latest, "Your Inner Cheerleader." Featured in Success Magazine, Marie has written for Sharing Ideas and was a columnist for the Orange County Register. Terri Marie also composes much of the music for her projects and films.
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