Do not you hate when you buy a specific ingredient in a particular recipe and sits there in your pantry for months after one use? I do! I think that's the main reason that not many people try to cook Indian food at home. Most Indian recipes require ingredients that are used only in other Indian recipes. There are so many healthy, delicious mouth, watering Indian recipes, but I personally know an American who have been treated at home, and they all love Indian food!

So this is what I do. I'll make a list of three ingredients (most species) and provide easy to use all 5 ingredients 3. Then I switch to another 3 ingredients and 5 more recipes. He now has six ingredients and recipes 10. And if given another 5 recipes that use all 6 ingredients, maybe a little bit complicated recipes, but tasty? Your pantry will no longer be stacked with bottles of spices used in India! And learn to cook delicious Indian food at home easy!

So here we go! The first three ingredients are:

1. Mustard seeds (smaller brown mustard is used by the Indians)

2. Cumin seeds

3. Curry leaves (fresh leaves of curry can be found in any grocery India)

And here is the first recipe:

You will make a simple salad.

All the ingredients:

1. A large cucumber

2. Two large carrots

3. Mustard seeds, 1 / 4 tsp.

4. Cumin seeds, 1 / 4 tsp.

5. Curry leaves, 1 spring

6. Coriander-1 / 4 of a group

7. Lemon juice-1 teaspoon.

8. Olive oil-1 tsp.

9. Salt to taste

Wash and peel the cucumber, cut into small pieces. Wash and peel the carrots, grate. Mixture of both in a bowl.

To season:

In a small skillet, heat oil over medium heat (maybe a minute).

Add mustard seeds, when they begin to crack, add the cumin seeds. Leave them on low to medium heat for maybe 30 seconds. Add curry leaves washed and extinguishes the fire. You will turn fresh curry leaves ... delicious!

Add this seasoning to the bowl of cucumber and carrot. Do not mix until ready to serve. Add salt to taste, sprinkle the lemon juice and garnish with chopped cilantro just before serving.

This is a good start to any meal and very healthy.

Two recipes come with the same three ingredients, mustard seeds, cumin seeds and curry leaves!


My name is Saritha, I am a software developer by profession, but a fervent food addict. I was born and raised in India and I love Indian food! So much for Indian food and tandoori naan that you get at restaurants. My goal is to share my knowledge and passion for Indian cuisine every day. We hope you enjoy.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of health care topics including remedies, Recipes, IndianRecipes,Slimming,weight loss products, bodybuilding upplements and diet tips.