A beautiful, pearly-white smile is something that is hard to resist, and highly desirable.  A  private dentist in Hampshire knows it is something that almost everyone aspires to, and that we spend a lot of time and money working towards. We use dental floss and whitening toothpaste, visit the dental hygienist and even use home bleaching products to get that perfect Hollywood look. Getting rid of stains is a good starting point, but in the long term, it is better to prevent the stains from taking hold at all. Here is a quick look at three simple things you can do to stop your teeth from getting stained in the first place.

Avoid Black Tea and Coffee

Black tea and coffee are some of the worst culprits when it comes to causing stained teeth. Tea contains a high volume of tannins, which can cause lasting stains, and the pigmentation in the chromogens in coffee can lead to stains as well. Adding a little milk to your tea and coffee will make the chromogens and tannins less powerful, and will reduce the likelihood of lasting stains. If you want to keep up with your tea and coffee drinking habits, and aren't willing to cut down on the quantity of the stuff that you drink, then a dash of milk will work wonders. Note that you don't have to add a LOT of milk; there's no need to turn your drinks into calorie bombs.

Rinse after Food and Drink

Stains take hold when you expose your teeth to staining substances after the protective enamel has been damaged. The best way to stop stains is to rinse away those staining substances before they do their damage. Try to drink a glass of water after you eat a meal that contains coloured sources, and alternate between wine or coffee and water too. Sparkling water is a good choice as it will help to pull away the staining pigments before they take hold. Swill the water in your mouth to catch the contaminants, at least for the first mouthful or two. Drinking water offers other health benefits, so this is a good habit to get into.

Enjoy a Little Cheese

Cheese and other dairy products are rich in calcium, and this means that they can make your teeth stronger and more resistant to change. Other protein-rich foods can be beneficial too. So, enjoy cheese, milk, beans and chicken in moderation. Hard cheeses are best for your teeth - not only to they contain lots of calcium, but the act of eating them will also 'polish' the teeth, removing contaminants and pigmented substances, and acting as a protective wax to stop the tannins and chromogens from taking hold. Cheese is often served with wine, so be sure to take advantage of the offer of a cheese board - it will allow you to enjoy your drink without fear of doing damage to your smile.

You will still need to brush and floss regularly for best results, but if you combine good basic dental hygiene with some careful diet and lifestyle choices you should notice that your teeth stay whiter for longer. Some people will never have perfectly white teeth because the enamel in their teeth is naturally very slightly yellow. However, there is no need for brown teeth. You can have natural-looking, healthy, pearly-whites without having to spend a fortune on re-whitening your teeth every few weeks, if you are careful about what you eat.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.