Many organizations see time management training as something they’ll spend their money on, only if they have to. Usually the first thing a company will do to satisfy their budget will be to cut back on or eliminate their training needs, but this is not something that they cannot a really afford to do and here’s why;
Companies or Corporations have the notion that training is a COST and not an investment. You will invest in a good stock that will pay decent dividends right? Well this is similar to good training and if you choose the right time management training you will be able to see the dividends that will add to your company’s bottom line. It really doesn’t matter what we pay for an investment. What’s relevant is what we get in return. One of the best ways to jeopardize an organization’s future in today’s world and increase the probability of troubled times it to look at training as a cost and pay the price of not training or provide substandard training that operates only as a band-aid for the training requirements.
A person that is paid $50,000 per year who is wasting just one hour per day is costing the organization $6,250 per year. If through one of our Time Management Workshops that person can learn how to recapture just one hour per day, that translates into a payback to the organization of $6,250 per year! If there is a group of 25 people, the return to the organization is $156,250 per year! That doesn’t even include other benefits like profitability, reduced turnover, improved morale, enhanced teamwork, greater creativity etc.)
In only three years the payback is $468,750. Where else would your organization invest to achieve that return and payback?
Not too long ago, soft skills training was an option for most organizations. Today it is no longer an option. If any of us continue to do what we do the same way, within five years most of us will become obsolete. Why?, That is because our competitors are helping their people to become more effective through training programs.
If we look closely at companies who are doing well in the long run, they almost always have a well thought out training program in place with the understanding that they will recoup their investment many fold.
They realize the price for not training is the real expense of training’.
The most important training or knowledge enhancement you can offer to your employees is in the personal development area. Effective time management is a life skill which affects us all. Depending on how skillful we are at managing our time it can have a major impact on the whole of our life. Our skill levels in this area can greatly benefit us or cause us to be constantly stressed out.
Training is a life- long endeavor. It needs to be ongoing. Life changes constantly and so do our needs and those of our people, the number one asset in every business. Time Management training is crucial for it’s when we learn to use our time effectively that we get so much more done in our lives.
Steven Stasczak is a motivational speaker who facilitates professional speaking training and team building events/workshops.He spent his earlier career as a top business to business sales manager before beginning coaching and training around the U.S. professionally. His areas of expertise includes developing effective public speaking workshops and helping individuals overcome fear of public speaking. He also performs and facilitates leadership training , time management workshops
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