Restructuring your business is a big responsibility. Not only do you have the livelihood of your employees in your hands, you also have the future of your business. The key is to have an objective view of your long-term goals and objectives, and not get caught up in office politics, favoritism, or sympathy for those who work for you. It sounds harsh, but it's the right way to get your business back on track.

First, you need to think about the different roles within the company. What roles are necessary and which are superfluous? Sometimes jobs are created and after a while they just aren't needed anymore. Sometimes an external circumstance means that your business begins to lack a particular aspect: if all your clients have been requesting a certain service, why don't they offer it yet? Restructuring allows you to get rid of roles that don't work well and create roles that would lead the business in a new direction.

The second thing you should do is describe a job description for each of your roles. Include the tasks that the employee would have to carry out, who they would relate to as part of their role; for example, will they work closely with people from another department, or will they manage staff or report to management? These job descriptions will help you see how your business will operate and give you an opportunity to see if there are any roles that have been lost. For example, is a particular job description too long and complex? Perhaps this would be better as two roles, or perhaps you should create a secretary position so that several staff members have help with your administrator.

You are now in a position to take a look at your current staff. Which of them have the relevant skills and seniority to fulfill the new roles? Create a group of potential candidates for each role. If some roles are direct exchanges, that's great, but it could be the case that some people have to take on different responsibilities. Talk to managers and find out which people would be best suited for the job.

Once you have a pool of potential candidates, it's time to break the news to your staff. Be sure to inform everyone at the same time and keep the process as transparent as possible. If you have to implement an application process, encourage staff to apply for the positions you would like or think you could fill. If necessary, advertise outside the company to find the right employees.

Author's Bio: 

The prospect of restructuring a company may not seem as exciting to managers,