Operating a car can be an intimidating task for the inexperienced driver. With car accident and casualty statistics floating about nowadays, it can be enough to discourage anyone from driving comfortably. However, with a few guidelines and a lot of practice, even the most naive and ignorant of drivers can find themselves driving with ease and confidence.

The first tip is to get comfortable. Adjust the seat as far forward or back as is necessary, and make sure that the side-view mirrors are angled so that only a little bit of the car is seen. Otherwise, you may not be able to spot adjacent vehicles. Make sure that the top of steering wheel is about level to your chin, and that the seat belt is comfortably in place.

Secondly, understand your car. Get to know how sensitive the brakes are, how powerful is the gas pedal, how easily does the wheel turn and how quickly does it consume gas. The more you know about your car and its capabilities, the more accurate your driving instincts will become. Even getting an understanding of how big your car is will help you understand what spaces it can or cannot fit into, whether you're parking your car or changing lanes.

Third, understand yourself as a driver. Driving can become such a large part of our lives that it becomes almost second nature to tune it out and pay attention to something else. However, a driver must never underestimate the amount of focus it takes to really drive. Activities such as eating, drinking, applying makeup, texting, or talking on the phone are examples of multitasking that can end badly for a driver. It may be that a driver may go his or her whole life doing such things while driving and never get into an accident, but often when it goes bad, it goes really bad. And as a result of taking our focus off the road, we may not even notice how poor our driving becomes when we try to handle other activities while driving.

Fourth, get to understand other people using the road. Learn the basic signals that drivers and bikers will use to communicate with you. Understand the right of way that each driver is allowed in each situation. It's also a good thing to know what is the courteous thing to do, for often just being considerate of other drivers can prevent a bad situation that erupts from aggressive driving.

Becoming skilled at driving an automobile is simply a matter of practicing the basic procedures of operating a car, as well as the observation of behaviors by both man and machine.

Ricky Dean writes about various topics. For more info on car driving tips and tips for safe driving, visit Dinosauric Content sharing site.

Author's Bio: 

Ricky Dean writes about various topics and is an active contributor to Dinosauric.com.