Are you someone that's shy around women? If you're someone that lacks social skills and is shy around beautiful women, there are ways to overcome these hindrances that prevent you from dating good-looking women. You may fancy that beautiful ebony girl at the office, but get inexplicably tongue-tied in her presence. Whether you have a thing for black singles or blondes make you skip a heartbeat, there are a few easy ways by which you could date your dream woman, such as:

Confidence is the key: Most, if not all women, appreciate and admire a man that comes across as confident and reassured in his actions. Even if you get weak in the knees in the presence of a gorgeous woman, you should walk past her with a confident attitude (strut across). Don't make any self-deprecating statements in her presence, as that will come across as having an inferiority complex. Nature has made women get attracted to men that exude an air of confidence and appear strong and dependable. A tad bit of self-praise (don't overdo it) can also pique their curiosity.

Be generous with compliments: It's a universal fact (well, almost) that women simply adore compliments! It's a time-tested and proven method to attract women. From complimenting her on the way she looks, to the way she carries herself, smiles, talks, and other things, there are plenty of ways to praise her and make her day. There are also women who love receiving compliments about their inner beauty, so feel free to compliment her on her caring nature, her love for pets, etc. - all of which will help to score brownie points with her.

Listen carefully: If you have a short attention span and are a poor listener, you'll have to retrain yourself! Being a patient listener is an absolute must to score with women. When a woman tells you about an issue or problem she's facing, she expects you to listen at length without interrupting, and not to try to butt in midway with a solution. Having a strong sense of empathy certainly helps to win over and attract a woman. They are more interested in hearing them out and sulking with them, rather than searching for a solution. Just learn to be a rapt listener and lend them ears, which will make them fall for you.

Gifts are always welcome: Gifts definitely make women happy. One of the easiest ways to win over a woman is to shower her with gifts whenever an event or occasion arises. Keep track of the smallest of events, and give her a gift reminding her of the occasion. This will show your caring and loving side and will gain her attention.

Chivalry is alive: Who said chivalry is passé? It's very much alive and kicking, and women love chivalrous men. How does one go about being chivalrous in the 21st century? It's simple. Never raise your voice at her or any other woman in front of her, open the car door for her, etc. These may seem trivial for men, but women certainly value such actions.

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Freelancer Writer