Your destiny is not really about what happens to you at all. It is really built on and fulfilled by the things that you cause to happen, by what you do with the precious life you have been blessed with. It happens in every moment, with every choice, with every thought and every action. Always remember, you are creating your own unique destiny. If you live your life to the fullest by being rich, not in money but by being whole and complete in every area of my life, you will obtain the prosperity that you were destined for.
I encourage you to be all that you can be, by working from the inside out to create the YOU that you were meant to be in every area of your life. From your physical health to your moral health, I hope you are inspired to begin your journey or to complete the journey that you may have already begun in pursuing complete wholeness in your life.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, parent, a teacher, a health professional, you must understand yourself and your build successful relationships so you can heal and grow. If you are, open and willing to do whatever it takes to be whom you were destined to be from the beginning of time, then the sky is the limit to what you can achieve or accomplish. You must have the right mindset from the start because, if you do not you will sabotage your entire future.
Take the time needed to define your destiny and then put a plan of action in place to help you achieve it. It is totally up to you what will happen in your life, you must take 100% responsibility for your choices and for your life. Live your life to the fullest for this is the only one you will get.
Wholeness is not perfection; it is you living a full, vibrant, energetic and fulfilling life by being and doing your very best. If you are fragmented in any area of your life, it begins to drain the others. What I am proposing here, is that you position yourself to be Excellent at being you and only you. You do that that by working on the areas in your life where you feel incomplete or fractured. It could be your physical wellness, financial wellness or any of the eight dimensions of wellness that make up your life
You choose where to begin, whom to connect with and just do something that moves you toward wholeness. As you begin your new life, as you take control of the wheel, you will begin to experience living in a way that you never have before. You are not alone on this journey to a better you, I am always here to help!

What are you waiting for? Your Life is waiting to be LIVED!
Remember that: “Your Health is Your Wealth” and it is about time you put yourself first because, Self- Care is far better than Health-Care.

Here is to your Journey to Wellness!
I am your Wellness Partner, Ready and waiting to SERVE!

Author's Bio: 

Cee Cee speaks and facilitates workshops on the following topics: Being A Healthier U (Living Your Best Life From The Inside Out), The ABC’s of Business Basics, Success Principles, Passion and Purpose, Authentic Living, Wellness In The Workplace, Time Mastery(Whose Time is it anyway) and The Art of Relaxing, Relating and Releasing (stress mgmt.).
For more information or to schedule Cee Cee “The Wellness Architect” Caldwell-Miller” for your next company or business event/conference or for coaching, visit