It does not matter whether you are a fan of the sport or not, there are great lessons in the game of life that can be learned from this sport. Below are some of the top inspirational quotes about football, spoken from some of the greatest coaches and players in football.
Let’s learn about the game of life from the sport of football!

1. Football is like life -- it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority. ~ Vince Lombardi

By replacing the words “Football is like life” with “To have a great life” you have winning formula for a great life.

REVISED QUOTE FOR THE REST OF US (i.e. – Non-football players):

To have a great life -- it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.

2. The only place you can win a football game is on the field, the only place you can lose it is in your hearts. ~ Darrell Royal

In the game of life, we fail most often when we lose heart and no longer believe we can achieve our hearts desire. That is why it is essential that we keep our mind filled with positive optimistic thoughts and read stories of triumph over tragedy, so we never forget the strength and power of the human spirit.

3. The strength of the team is each individual member...the strength of each member is the team. ~ Coach Phil Jackson, Chicago Bulls

In life no person is an island, we all depend on each other. It is in community that we gain strength or are encouraged when we are experiencing trials. It is a privilege to encourage the people in our lives. We never know when we will depend on the kind word or support of another. So plant lots of words of encouragement and reap the bountiful harvest of benevolence you sow.

4. If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it. That's all it takes to get people to win football games for you. ~ Paul “Bear” Bryant

I just love the above quote! What a great formula for earning the admiration of anyone whom you have authority over, whether it is a subordinate in the workplace or a child. Think of how much more cooperation you would receive in your life if you adopted this mindset!

5. It’s not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up. ~ Vince Lombardi

Everyone will have setbacks in life, it is the individuals that fierce determination that will get up one more time than they are pushed down that end up living a successful life.

Develop that bulldog on a bone mentality that says if something shakes you off your desired path, that there will only be an instant before you are racing back to the pursuit of your prize with more fervor than when you experienced that minor detour in the pursuit of your goal.

6. Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period. ~ Lou Holtz

Most of have an aversion to self-discipline, yet it is the secret to success.

The more you can exercise self-discipline whether it is in your diet, exercise, or studies in school, etc., the less the universe will have to discipline you to get you to take the higher path. Who would you rather be disciplined by: The Universe or Yourself?

7. Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself. ~ Paul "Bear" Bryant

Having a decorum that connotes class is not “Lording” your successes over less fortunate. It is being self-assured in your worth, and compassionate to others. The more you exhibit this character, the more you can focus on competing against yourself.

You are your own competition, not the rest of the world. If you focus on improving your personal best rather than comparing yourself to others, you will be happier and more likely to achieve your goals, because you will have a more singular focus.

8. The difference between a successful person
and others is not a lack of strength,
not a lack of knowledge,
but rather in a lack of will. ~ Vince Lombardi

Once again Vince Lombardi nails it with good advice that you can use on the football field and in the game of life. An iron will, perseverance, and determination are the key to success.

Many a talented, but “wishy washy” people lack the commitment to their goals and never come close to their potential because they give up when the going gets tough. Yet many individuals who on the surface seem to be at a disadvantage leave their more naturally gifted counter parts in the dust because of their iron will and singular focus.

9. Success is not forever and failure isn't fatal. ~ Don Shula

Just as the sun rises and we experience sunshine and the sunsets and we experience darkness, so it is our lives. There are natural rhythms in life, like the tide coming in and the tide going out. It is easy to see in nature the necessity of the ebb and flow of life, is a necessity for life as we know it. We do not panic when the tide goes out because we know that in a matter of time the tide will come back in, so it is in life.

Many a successful person has stated that they learned more from their trials than their successes. In fact they credit their successes to the valuable lessons their learned in their failures. So why not relax and embrace the rhythm of life and demand that the temporary periods of “failure” in your life teach you what you need to do differently to be back on the up-swing of life.

10. Football is an honest game.
It’s true to life. It’s a game about sharing.
Football is a team game. So is life. ~ Joe Namath

We return to the theme of teamwork again. We need each other and should embrace our differences because we all need and depend on each person’s unique talent and perspective they bring to the world. Let’s celebrate and honor our uniqueness and share our talents with the world. Be true to yourself. Discover your talents. Because the rest of us, need what you have to offer the world.

For more great quotes on Football and the lessons it teaches check out the following pages:

Inspirational Football Quotes

Teamwork Quotes

Vince Lombardi Quotes

Leadership Quotes

How to Promote Teamwork

Author's Bio: 

Linda Lovejoy is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Life Coach with over 10 years’ experience working with a variety of populations that include:

• Trauma survivors (sexual, physical, and emotional abuse)
• Patients (terminally ill or facing a major diagnosis)
• Military service members and their families
• Highly successful individuals interested in taking their life to the next level
• Individuals going through a major life transition such as a divorce or loss of job seeking to re-design their life

Her major life purpose is "to inspire people to live the life of their dreams and give them the tools to do so".

She has an inspirational website call Inspiration Oasis

This website has a collection of inspirational quotes, poems, prayers, ecards, videos, articles, and lessons designed to empower you to live the life of your dreams.