Online courses have become popular way for students and employees to increase their education and professional development. Teaching online is way different from teaching in a classroom, it's important that teachers should adapt new skills and strategies for online teaching, they should make their materials effective and should engage learners.

Here are some strategies a teacher should implement to improve their online teaching and make their e-learning course a successful experience for both, the teacher and the learners.


As a teacher, you need to create a supportive learning environment for your students so that they can learn better. The best way to achieve the supportive learning environment is to encourage both, teacher to student, student to student interaction.

  1. At the start of the course, you should introduce yourself to your learners and ask them to introduce adding short bio to the group.
  2. You should create an open forum for all where your students can post about their queries, request and help each other, developing peer to peer support.
  3. Set up small groups, similar to traditional study groups, for supportive mentoring of fellow learners.

These strategies will help students to learn more and work together as an active learning community, which brings benefits to all.


Feedback is the main component of all effective learning environments. As an online teacher, feedback helps to create an e-learning experience that is informative, engaging and motivational for the learner. Your feedback should be the continuous process because students will be able to clear their queries and will be able to identify which behaviors and skills will be needed to improve.

A teacher can encourage group feedback which will help in promoting peer engagement.


It's wise to acknowledge the importance of mobile learning for online teachers with students and employees now accustomed to using their mobile devices for learning. Mobile learning allows learners to access up to date course materials and relevant content anywhere, anytime.

Learners can work according to their own pace, assisting both performance and productivity.

You should make sure e-learning content can be easily accessed via mobile phones, laptops, and i Pads to maximize your teaching methods.


We are fortunate to have these technologies to create virtual learning environments that allow us to collaborate and engage just as well as if we were in the classroom.

The best online teachers use a combination of both synchronous and asynchronous activities, create the best traditional online learning styles with newer, more collaborative audio and visual tools. A mix of activities make learning more interesting and exciting, also increases student engagement with the teacher as well as with other learners.

With these strategies, you will feel more confident about your online teaching skills and e-learning materials. You will also know that you are creating a more collaborative and positive environment for your students.


Author's Bio: 

The author has written about strategies to improve online teaching.