Training in counselling...

Many take this up as a new career but others can be drawn to it simply because they wish to understand themselves and their loved ones and give them the right hep when needed. It is good to help others and it is even better if you can help them to transform their lives. To take a person who is going through an emotional torment or who is undergoing an emotional improvement in their goals or their personality. To take someone who is anxious and turn them into someone who is at peace with themselves is wonderful. To take a flawed self image and improve them so that you are happier or more able to work out your goals or achieve them is one of the most amazing things you can do.

People from all walks of life need to get guidance and sometimes those with the most responsibilities and commitments need it most of all. They may need a sounding board, someone to listen or simply support. People who are lonely may need support while they continue to suffer with their situation and support in rectifying it. Perhaps they are shy and need help with becoming more sociable and making friends. People who have just separated from a partner often require a sounding board while they become used to their new lifestyle. If they were in their first relationship it might be a totally new concept to them to live on their own and they might even find it quite difficult to deal with the usual things that are involved in living alone or the practical things like looking after money.

I know more part timers than full time workers but each chooses which lifestyle suits them according to their spare time and other commitments and needs. Some find it quite exhausting and for that reason alone choose to do it part time only.

Another consisderation is the pay which is just part of the whole thing and should never be the main reason for wanting to do this. If you see doing this as a way to alleviate or solve financial problems then this is not for you. You have to be driven by wanting to help others. There are a lot of people out there that would do this for free because they want to help others so much. Some of them are very intelligent and educated people who could earn far more doing something else. There is a site where you can train for free - saving you a bundle on training - this usually comes to a considerable amount. You can see full details of this at Ask yourself if you have the right type of personality -
patient, kind, caring, reliable, honest, smart, and if the answer is yes find out more. Do you like the idea of meeting people or working online? Have you consistently got a few hours a week to spare to a second or only part time "career"?

Of course, there are other ways you can help others. You can do voluntary work or train to do something different. Only you know what suits your personality and situation best.

Training in counselling.

Author's Bio: 

Therapist and counsellor Samantha South of