Depression affects vast number of people around the globe every year and this number is doubling every 10 years. Antidepressants have been developed to treat this illness and no doubt, these are effective but they also develop certain side effects including; weight gain, lethargy and physical inactivity. Most of the times, similar type of treatment is prescribed to all the individuals without considering their unique needs and requirements, as a result of which the root cause may go unchecked.

What is Depression?

Depression is generally the result of some old and unresolved emotional problems, which have not been dealt with since childhood. It may assume different forms including; recurrent sad, anxious or empty mood, loss of interest, irritability, social withdrawal, insomnia, loss of appetite or weight gain, pessimism, lowering school grades or job performance and poor concentration as well.

What are the potential signs and symptoms of Depression?

The symptoms related with the depression begin to trigger when the toxins start accumulating in tissues and disturb the fragile bio-chemistry of the body. The person suffering from depression may show the following symptoms:

Weakness of muscles
Excessive fatigue
Headaches and palpitations
Tremors and sweating
Shortness of breath
Disturbed sleep and nightmares
Poor digestion
What according to Ayurveda causes depression?

Research made by Ayurveda shows that depression is caused due to physiological imbalance. These causes may include:

Excessive mental or physical stress
Disruption of Natural biological rhythms
Repression of underlying issues
Unresolved emotion pain
Restricted flow of energy or Prana Shakti
Imbalance among three doshas
Being unaware of the inner-self
What is the Ayurvedic Perspective of Depression?

Ayurveda believes that majority of depression is caused due to Kapha imbalance which consequently imbalances the other two elements i.e. Vata and Pitta too.

Vata is negated by the experiences causing fear, terror, irregular eating habits, anxiety, pattern of sleep and excessive movement.

Accumulation of indigested emotional experiences causes Pitta depression which shows itself as anger and violence. Alcohol, verbal abuse, excessive spices and over-ambition lead to Pitta disturbance. The people suffering from Pitta depression may commit suicide or get engaged in self destructive activities.

What are the remedies suggested by Ayurveda to treat depression?

Unlike conventional medical model, Ayurvedic treatments are not generalized in the sense that treatments are provided according to physical, emotional and mental constitution of the individual. Depending upon the dosha type i.e. which dosha has undergone the state of imbalance; treatment is advised:

Vata type depression:
Make changes in your dietary plan. Eat warm, heavy and strengthening foods.
Do not consume salads and excessively caffeinated drinks.
Avoid spicy foods, overcooked vegetables, nuts, milk & dairy products.
Go to bed early and have sufficient sleep at night.
Go for regular whole body oil massage or at least massage your head and feet daily.
Incorporate yoga and mild exercises in your daily regime..
Make use of herbs like; ginger, cumin, cinnamon and Gotu Kota.
Pitta type Depression:
Get into the Pitta pacifying diets.
Avoid spicy and rich food like fish, red meat, cheese, vinegar and tobacco.
Consume foods that cool you down like dairy products, sweets & cold drinks.
Switch and stick to vegetarian diet.
Avoid going out in sun.
Practice meditation and yoga.
Avoid hot water bath or showers. Take cool water bath.
Purification technique like; Panchkarma will be beneficial.
Use pacifying herbs like; aloe, shatavari, coconut, mint and sandalwood
Kapha Type Description:
Make dietary changes i.e. decrease use of oils and fatty elements, desserts, sweets and meat.
Avoid food that is not warm.
Eat spicy and hot foods and incorporate soups in your diet.
Take moderate amount of honey daily.
Practice meditation and exercises like jogging and yoga.
Add heat producing herbs in your foods like; turmeric, ginger tea and pepper.
Avoid sun as much as possible.
Sleep before 10 p.m. as it is the Kapha time of the day and if you sleep during this time; it will generate deep and useful sleep.
Wake up with sun rising.
What are the Yogic remedies suggested to treat depression?

Yoga practitioners provide following practical guidelines to treat Depression which will not only treat your present condition but will also help to stay healthy and happy throughout the life:

Practice meditation twice a day for 20 minutes to relieve emotional, physical mental and environmental stress.
Wake up early in the morning as it helps your communication channels from getting clogged with impurities.
Walk outdoor in the early morning and practice mild exercises, as it will release positive neurohormones which will further elevate your mood.
The early morning walk will make your elimination regular and save you from constipation which will further save you from dullness and fatigue.
Practice mild Yoga Asanas like Praanayama, bhujangasana, halasana, shavasana and vakrasana as these will enhance digestion and cleanse the toxins out of your body channels and cells and improve your overall health.
Contact Apurva Ayurveda Healing, for one of our positive-living programs where we combine Yoga and Ayurveda, to holistically resolve the depression related issues and as well to eliminate your present or future dependency on medication.

If you schedule your appointment for marma or abhyanga for stress relieve on Wednesday May 20; all the funds raised would be donated to global giving to help Nepal to come out of this natural disaster and crisis.

Author's Bio: 

Apurva Ayurveda Healing Center has various experienced practitioners on staff and as collaborators from different professional and cultural backgrounds. But we all have one thing in common: eash of us believes in the long term rewards of a healthy lifestyle, and we are very much committed to offering our clients the tools and the support needed to live a life of balance and wellness.