At these times, it's a challenge for us to forego using products made of polycarbonates. Almost everything is packaged, sold, and served in some type of plastic container. We drink from these containers, store food in them, and prepare food for cooking in them. It is difficult to find glass containers these days of the plastic revolution. A lot of health problems have happened among the old and the young. For a girl to be using tampons or napkins at eight years old was non-existent during my time as a teenager. It doesn't shock us anymore if this happens nowadays because we all know it's due to the BPA in plastics that affects the estrogen in women. Research and studies show that a surprising 90% of the people have BPA trace residues in their bodies.

In 1891, Bisphenol was created but its production was introduced in the market only in the 50's. The problem is that the chemical Bisphenol or BPA, leaks from some containers. In science, BPA or Bisphenol A is described as the main ingredient in the production of polycarbonate material. Studies also noticed the adverse effect of bisphenol (even in little amounts), as it imitates the function of estrogen, the female sex hormone, on growing animals. Moreover, various experiments conducted on animals and those in test tubes that were found to have traces of Bisphenol A had hormonal imbalances thus it was termed as "environmental hormones". Breast cancer, prostate cancer, premature menses and structural changes in the brain are among its effects. Babies being fed on plastic bottles nowadays, that's really something to worry about! In fact, it is considered such a dangerous chemical, the Canadian Ministry of Health is taking measures to control exposure to BPA, the first country to recognize the dangers of BPA exposure and do something about it. Guys, the perils of exposing yourself to the substance has long been proven. The first evidence of its estrogenicity came from experiments in the 1930's feeding BPA to ovariectomized rats (Dodds and Lawson, 1936, 1938). The result of the research in relation to the consequences of BPA on humans were even underrated.

The principle of BPA is it hardens the plastic and giving it a lightweight feeling, creating a clear, heat resistant, electrical resistant, and shatter resistant material. Glass lenses, storage discs, computers, tools, headlights, equipments for safety in sports and medicine, incubators, reusable containers and can linings - these are but a few of the many products that is polycarbonate made.

According to the Chemical Economics Handbook, SRI Consulting, August, 2004, the global consumption of Bisphenol A in 2003 was estimated to be approximately 3 million metric tons.

To reduce your exposure to Bisphenol A, there are various ways to do that. If at all possible, buy your foods in glass jars such as tomato/spaghetti sauce, pickles, but especially tomato because the acid in the tomatoes causes more leakage of the BPA's. Try to consume fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables as these are BPA free. Buy juices and if you drink soda, in glass bottles whenever possible. And please, use glass baby bottles.

I try to keep my utensils BPA free so I use glass or ceramic. For your pets, when you feed them, use containers that are made of ceramic, glass or of stainless steel. There are birdbaths also that are created magnificently in colored glass or ceramic. It creates an attraction to various animals at the same time, they are also safe because they don't have contact with BPA containing products. Anyway, glass can be recycled. Glass is actually better than plastic, however you look at it!

Help save the earth avoid using plastics. Do your part and use ceramic materials instead. supplies earth friendly items at reasonable prices.

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Help save the earth avoid using plastics. Do your part and use ceramic materials instead. supplies earth friendly items at reasonable prices.