Website owners obviously do not just spend money promoting their sites for no reason, they want to earn even more money when they use targeted Pay Per Click Systems (PPC). PPC systems enable website owners to get paid by posting relevant ads from ad sponsors on their websites. The ads are designed to complement the site’s content and readers’ location, money is earned via the site’s visitor clicks and page impressions.
So who provides the current top PPC services?
Google Adsense (A must-have for every website)
Google’s Adsense program is the other side of the coin to Adwords, the ads can be seen on the right hand side bar on any of Google’s results pages. Adwords on the other hand is driven by keywords chosen by the site owner to sell their products via these on-page ads. The ads are paid for on a per click basis, which basically means if someone clicks on your ad, you pay a predetermined fee for that click. The way you make money with Adsense is the opposite, when your site’s visitor clicks on the Adsense ads paid for through Adwords, you earn the corresponding commission.
The bottom line is, there is money to be made for a site owner using Adsense. If you want extra income from your site, sign up for Google Adsense now.
Follow these simple steps:
1. Go to your Google’s "My Account" page
2. Click on the "Adsense" link under Products
3. Sign up.
After signing up for Adsense, don’t forget to write down or save a copy of your publisher code for reference.
Yahoo APT (Yahoo's PPC Program)
There has been an ongoing argument about Yahoo's PPC Program on the World Wide Web for a long time, people have disagreed on whether the use of Yahoo APT can generate a comparable income to its other rivals or not? The truth is, Yahoo APT is considered to be the 2nd biggest Pay Per Click program today (next to Google) so it deserves the attention that it is getting and is in my opinion worth a shot. Go to:
Aside from Google and Yahoo PPC systems, you can also try AdBrite. Adbrite’s program works similarly to Adsense and allows you to control the ads and their placements as well as the click rates.
To try this promising pay per click system, go to:
To form your own opinion on whether it is worth bothering with the other two services mentioned here or just sticking with Google follow these steps:
1. Set up 3 different blogs with related topics and install income generating ads from 3 different PPC programs.
2. Test them, making sure you monitor the stats.
3. Then, compare the income on ads with similar campaigns and make an informed decision on who to stick with.
Give it a go, it is free after all, and see the advantage of using these three great PPC systems to monetize your blog.
John Osgood writes about and teaches people how to make money online for a minimal cost. John maintains the strict policy of building a relationship and not "HAMMERING" his subscribers with constant email offers!
His 5-day e-course for anyone who wants to make money using free tools can be downloaded here: Head over to to get your FREE copy now!
There also many other resources for anyone looking to make money online, including Podcasts and a blog which you can check out by going to:
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