Very often the doctors and other health professionals that you trust provide inadequate care which causes you or your loved one to suffer a serious injury or even death.

If you believe that a health professional made a mistake in providing care, which caused serious harm, you may be entitled to compensation.

The Vanderbilt medical malpractice attorneys of Cummings Law have experience handling a variety of cases involving negligent health professionals. Contact us at 615.241.2000 today for a free review of your claim. We can help you fight for justice and the compensation you deserve.


Medical negligence occurs when a health care provider does not provide a patient with the appropriate level of care required for his condition. If a patient is harmed by the actions of a health professional, or by not acting, he can make the provider responsible for his injuries and economic damages.

Medical errors can lead to long-term health problems and, in extreme cases, can cost the patient his life. According to the American Association for Justice, preventable medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the country.

These errors can occur in many different ways including, but not limited to:

1. Do not diagnose a serious condition
2. Do not provide the appropriate treatment
3. Surgical errors
4. Prescribe the wrong medication or the wrong dose
5. Improper handling of medical equipment
6. Infections acquired in the hospital
7. Anesthesia errors
8. Birth injuries
9. Errors in the emergency room

It is important to note that an unwanted result does not necessarily mean that medical negligence has occurred. However, if you suspect that your health care provider has acted negligently or carelessly and caused you harm, you should contact a reputable personal injury lawyer to discuss your claim.

The Nashville medical malpractice attorneys of Cummings Law are well informed both in the medical field and in the laws that regulate that industry. We have a strong track record of success in handling these types of cases and can help you determine if you may be entitled to compensation.

Medical errors are not limited to doctors, but may also include any type of medical professional or medical provider, including:

1. Doctors
2. Nurses
3. Advanced Nurse
4. Pharmacists
6. Dentists
7. Medical specialists such as Obstetrics and Gynecology
8. Hospitals
9. Traveling clinics

With 20 years of experience representing patients who have suffered from a variety of medical errors, our medical malpractice attorneys in Nashville, Tennessee will thoroughly investigate your claim to determine what went wrong with your medical care and who should be held liable for your injuries or the loss of a loved one.

We know that a medical mistake can be devastating for you and your family. That is why we are committed to ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the maximum compensation you deserve.

At Cummings Law, we have a reputation for defending the injured and helping them get the justice they deserve for their pain and suffering. With a dedicated team of legal professionals, you can trust that our medical malpractice attorneys in Nashville are committed to fighting to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation you deserve to help cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other associated costs. With your injuries or loss.

Do not hesitate to contact Cummings Law, if you think your health care provider caused you to harm due to a medical error. Your initial consultation with Cummings Law firm is always free, and we do not charge fees unless you recover a favorable verdict or agreement. If you cannot come to the Cummings Law office, the expert team will come to you.

Author's Bio: 

If you reside in Nashville, around the Vanderbilt hospital area or Middle Tennessee and have suffered an injury because of medical malpractice, you should seek the counsel of Brian Cummings at Cummings Law in Nashville. He will evaluate your case carefully and, if he determines it is a viable one, will take care of all of its legal aspects.