The use of a higher level vocabulary often causes problems for new students to a new subject area.
Some authors use vocabulary to create a perception of expertise but this is not good if you want to send your message out to a wide audience.
Some academic texts are set in a different historical context to the one we live in today and uses words that are no longer in regular use.
Let us consider the following statement and see if we can make sense of the message the author is trying to convey.
“Everything created follows a Natural Pattern”
Everything, quite literally means “everything”; all, the whole, made up of a number of things, each individual component of something has been originally created.
You cannot live your life without using things that have been created.
Even a thought has been created, thought is a creative energy; a thought determines our actions, as nothing can be created until it has first been thought about.
An emotion is also created from an original thought, we have the thought of love then we communicate the emotion of love that leads to an expression of love in a physical way.
Create, means to cause (something new) to exist; produce (something new). Creation is something produced by man’s invention or imagination.
Creation can also mean; the universe, the world and all living things which we call Nature.
As there are many theories on how or why Nature occurs we just accept that Natural things exist for our use.
We take the first meaning when working within the context of The Natural Pattern, because we look at how you can create what you think about by using things provided by Nature.
Follow has at least eleven different meanings; we suggest using, “to accept and act according to” and “to be or happen as a necessary effect or result of”, because if you accept and act according to The Natural Pattern you will create something that is a necessary effect or result of your actions.
Natural has seven listed meanings, “what is or happens ordinarily in the world” and “forces that can be explained” are the main contexts in which we use the word Natural and we can add “not caused, made or controlled by people”, where appropriate. The Natural Pattern can be used or controlled by people, but it is through thoughts and actions that we use it; this process is a natural process that happens ordinarily and can be explained.
Pattern; the most appropriate definition from the five listed is “the way in which something develops”, however “a regularly repeated arrangement” could be applied. Although the input for the pattern is different the process by which the pattern develops from original thought to creation is regularly repeated.
Although we tend to read in the context of what is being written about (the reader will probably not think that the “pattern” is “a sample of cloth”) we have to consider where an inappropriate correct definition of a word can be misleading such as, “to go in the same direction” for “follow”, or “having a skill or quality already in oneself” for “natural”, when following The Natural Pattern may require the learning of new skills.
The Natural Pattern has been written for a wide audience and as such we have had to consider the vocabulary used for its suitability for individuals who are new to the subject area.
Mike is the author of The Natural Pattern yet another book on the principles of success, so it can't be much different than all the others. But how do you know until you have read it?
The Natural Pattern is an e-book download from the website. The book's focus is on the use of Universal Resources created by Nature, the purpose is to offer a non-religious, non-political, non-scientific, non-metaphysical book to a wider audience. That's what is different.
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