We would like to share with you some excerpts from an email which recently reached our office. However, due to privacy concerns, we omitted some personal details. We regret, however, that this person did not reach out to us first and tried to rectify her vocal problem non-surgically.

For those who suffer from the same voice disorder, we would like you to think twice before you choose vocal surgery over a non-surgical approach and treatment. There are a lot of consequences which could be experienced with surgical interference.

We had numerous clients with various voice disorders who came to us after the surgery was performed - and some of them hardly could speak, let alone sing…

Please see the aforementioned email below:

"Hi. In 2013, I had an operation on my vocal cords ( bleeding polyp ) and I feel that it made my voice a lot worse. If I do a performance I am hoarse for two weeks or more.

I have lost the melody in my voice and my "throat" hurts constantly. I've been back to the Drs several times and they keep saying my vocal cords look fine, so I've given up. If I'm out with my friends I feel anti-social as I can't talk because my voice gets hoarse very quickly and it hurts. It also feels extremely tired and like a weight is on it. Then I feel like I do not have enough breath/oxygen to finish a sentence.

When they did the operation the Drs said they've tested it and it was nothing to worry about. I am, however, devastated that I can't sing anymore or like I used to.

I live in the U.K. I miss singing and I get very embarrassed when people remember me for my beautiful voice, but you can see the disappointed look on their faces when I sing now. I have to shout through an entire song which I know is not helping.

Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you,
E. M."

To support our point, please see below the story of our recent non-surgical voice repair client, Sue D.

To give it an introduction, we have to mention the Sue had a bleeding polyp and was suggested an immediate operation. However, in Canmore, Alberta, the wait for an “immediate” vocal surgery was nearly 11 months. Meanwhile, Sue’s livelihood was in jeopardy, as she was directing a big chorus, running music workshops, and teaching guitar and singing to her private students. She came to us with a very raspy and hoarse voice. As she reveals in her email to us, her voice is completely clear (speaking and singing) and she fully resumed all of her music activities.

To view Sue’s story/testimonial, you can follow the link HERE: https://www.vocalscience.com/sue-d-singer-songwriter-recovery-from-vocal...

Author's Bio: 

Ms. Yampolsky is one of the world's foremost specialists on the topic of the human voice and is the creator of Vocal Science(TM), a unique and truly revolutionary accelerated vocal development technique. It is a holistic and scientific approach to voice mechanics that enables all singers and speakers to reach their full potential in an extremely short period of time. Based in Ontario, Canada, Diana works with a worldwide spectrum of clientele as a Vocal Coach/Consultant, In-Studio Vocal Production Expert, and Non-Surgical Voice Repair Specialist.
If you feel that you, or a loved one, may be suffering from such voice disorders like Spasmodic Dysphonia, contact us: info@vocalscience.com | 416-857-8741