Water does not worry about how it will take the shape of the glass into which it is being poured!

Yet as humans we can be caught up in worry and anxiety over what might happen. In order to survive and thrive we need to be in what I call inspired action. To achieve that space we need to have factored in some down time that allows for reflection and relaxation. When we consistently do that, the mind can much more readily summon forth inspired ideas and thoughts, that when acted on bring great results.

There will almost always be an excuse for why goals are not achieved and the excuse will be based on a negative belief. People can be afraid to verbalise or try something for fear of what others may think. They think they have the knowledge, the time, the money required…the list goes on! Worry is sustained fear caused by indecision. Someone once defined F.E.A.R. as False Evidence Appearing Real. In other words we have chosen to believe something that is not really true. Our beliefs become our reality!

So until your own inspired intuitive self kicks in I have 3 steps you can take to manage any “issues, challenges or concerns” you might have right now.
Step no. 1
Define what is worrying you. Write it out – all of it. Put it on paper and express it all. As you write it down you will see most of it disappear as you see how small it really is.
Step no 2
Now is the contemplative time. Ask yourself the question for each worry or concern, ” what is the worst possible thing that can happen if this comes true? “

Then list the worst case scenario outcome .By now you will start to see that over 90% of this will never happen….yet isn’t it interesting how much time we will spend worrying and fretting about what will never happen? Accept now that this is the worst that can happen. I remember once being on a TV game show and being terrified I would lose. I kept telling myself “the worst thing that can happen is you will be back in the corridor…and the corridor is just fine Pat!”

So you see none of this will be the end of you…you will survive.

Step no 3
A good plan would be to make sure the worst case scenario never happens. Create a weekly and daily action plan of exactly what you need to do to turn things around. When you FOCUS on positive changes and being in action, your focus will stay positive and away from your fears. Your anxiety state will disappear as you step into action. You can DO SOMETHING! Positive action is the only way to move through fear and worry. As you act your reality shifts.

And in closing I have to say….some challenges end up being gems for the insights we get ! I tell people on my stress management program the following parable
( source unknown ) “ An oyster creates a pearl out of a grain of sand. The grain of sand is an irritant to the oyster. In response to the discomfort the oyster creates a smooth protective coating that encases the sand and provides relief. The result is a beautiful pearl. For an oyster, an irritant becomes the seed for something new. Your current discomfort is the seed for something very valuable!”

Readers can access a FREE copy of Transform your life in 90 days e booklet and 90 day planner sheet to implement these ideas.
Pat Armitstead

Author's Bio: 

Professional Speaker, Facilitator, Coach and Author

Past President National Speakers Association NZ
Member Professional Speakers NZ
Member International Humour Foundation
Member Australian Centre on Quality of Life
TRustee Centre for Compassion NZ

Pat Armitstead, New Zealand’s leader in the Science of Positive Psychology and Humour in the Workplace has a CV that’s not to be laughed at! Included in her giggliography are some ground breaking achievements, testimony to her ability to successfully combine her business acumen, creativity, and wit.

Initially a Registered Nurse she worked for 34 years in Education Management and communication roles in the health sector and in business. In 1989 she founded her own Advertising Agency, Take One Productions and won 11 awards including the NSW Tourism Award, Media Section and an award from Cacharel in Paris. She has presented over 11,000 hours of keynotes, workshops, seminars and lectures reaching an astounding 55,000 people throughout Australasia.