Ever leave a meeting and wonder why you met?

Ever have a meeting and after much discussion, decide on a plan but then – nothing ever happens?

Here are three questions can lead the leader to conducting more efficient, more effective and maybe even fewer meetings.

Questions to ask and know the answers to before even calling the meeting:

1. What is the purpose of the meeting?

Is it to inform, to get ideas, to problem solve, to make a decision, to build morale or…?
It will help participants if you state the purpose at the start of the meeting. If there are multiple agenda items and more than one purpose, state the purpose at the start of each agenda item.

2. What method will you use?
If problem solving or decision making is part of the agenda,be sure to explain the method up front. Must there be group consensus on the solution? Or will there be a vote? Or will the boss decide? Or will it go to Town Council?

This is important because nothing diminishes group spirit more than for a problem to be put in their hands – come up with great ideas for solution – and then never hear about it again.

Before adjourning the meeting, be sure to state the answer to question #3.
3. What is the next step? Who will take it – and when?

Purpose + Method + Next Step = More Productive Meetings.

copyright 2009 – Jan Bolick, Business Class Inc

Author's Bio: 

Jan has thirty years of sales and management experience and loves sharing it (plus her love for solving problems and for making work fun) with others so that they can get through tough situations, make big goals and celebrate these achievements.

She is now President of Business Class Inc which provides resources to managers and business owners such as one-on-one coaching, master mind groups and management team retreats. Plus FREE resources such as a Blog, E-Zine and Quote Libary, which includes over 100 motivational quotes ready to download, print, post and share to help teach, learn, remind and reinforce important keys for business success.