Ready to grow your business, network, share and communicate ideas? Giving persuasive and powerful marketing webinars is one of the fastest ways to let clients and prospects know more about why they should do business with you.
Today's buyer is looking for extra value, extra learning and extra motivation. Where can they find all those extras? In targeted webinar events.
But, what if you're not technical, hate virtual meetings and don't have a clue how to communicate effectively online? No worries.
Follow these 6-steps to get started right away.
1. Speak Directly To Your Customers
Create a compelling headline for your webinar.
Look for emotional connection so the value is instantly clear to anyone who is looking for your type of knowledge or expertise.
Headlines and titles act just like a magnet. Great titles pull in attendees and can help your webinar go from a 'ho-hum' option to a 'got to be there' action learning event.
2. Plan A Singularly Powerful Story
What's the key idea and compelling story of your webinar?
When building and structuring your plan, focus on the one important idea you want people to take away.
Just one? Yup!
In today's insanely saturated information landscape, people will love a single idea, a life-changing insight, and a compelling simple story. One key idea is your best bet. Use this to structure a memorable message for your marketing, sales or training webinar.
3. Put PowerPoint on a Diet
Don't listen to the experts who tell you more is better.
More slides are not better. Especially for communicating effectively in virtual presentations and webinars.Look for ways to reduce the number of slides. One of the fastest ways to do this is to imagine reducing the time of your virtual event. If you have 60 minutes, plan your slides as if you only had 30. Reduce the number of slides. Next, plan for 15 minutes. Repeat.
You get the idea.
4. Show Persuasive Visuals with PowerPoint and Whiteboards
Slides are not your only option.
Whiteboards are a quick way to add interaction and liveliness to virtual meetings. Check with your virtual meeting provider to determine which whiteboard options are part of the package.
Consider using a traditional dry erase board and projecting the sketches with a video camera. This adds variety and invites a more informal conversational style into your webinar.
If you aren't sure how to present effectively using whiteboards, take a whiteboard skills webinar.
5. Resist Temptation To Show 'One More Thing'
Keep this in mind: your audience has not seen your presentation or webinar before. They aren't familiar with your content, topic or expertise. They haven't been slaving over the story, pictures and delivery the way you have.
Therefore, resist the ever-present urge to add in one more thing. They are most likely overloaded! This is a very important point to be successful in webinars.
Most often subject matter experts forget that one more feature in a demo, one more slide, one more chart are not truly adding more value. If you think this could be a problem for you, ask a colleague to sit in on your webinar and give you candid feedback.
6. Ask For Group Feedback
Presenting virtually is an iterative process.
Experiment. Try out different strategies. Ask for feedback. Adjust. Repeat.
Not everything you try will be an instant success. However, clients and prospects will appreciate your commitment and involvement. Focus on being well prepared, clear on objectives and deliver true value. Ask for and listen to feedback.
Let participants know how you have altered the structure based on their input. This keeps the lines of communication open and recognized the contribution of individual attendees.
Educational webinars are a powerful way to grow your business, increase value for your customers and share your unique expertise with prospects and clients. Now is the time to add this dynamic communication tool and grow your business.
Milly Sonneman is a recognized expert in visual language. She is the co-director of Presentation Storyboarding, a leading presentation training firm, and author of the popular guides: Beyond Words and Rainmaker Stories available on Amazon. Milly helps business professionals give winning presentations, through online presentation skills trainings at Presentation Storyboarding. You can find out more about our courses or contact Milly through our website at:
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