Many people are suffering from a skin problem called pimples. Sometimes it seems even more shameful that the grain especially if they are present in large quantities. Other than that, blackheads are more stubborn to get rid of grains. They remain in the skin, even after years of adolescence.

Fortunately, there are several treatments used to get rid of pimples. These include commercial blackheads remover such as creams, strips, exhaust, and natural home remedies or herbal treatments.

Blackhead Remover Commercial

1. Blackhead strips

Strips Blackheads are one of the products used to get rid of blackheads on the nose. These strips are similar to an adhesive added with substances that help treat acne. They are placed over the nose and took off after a few minutes to remove black dots on the surface of the skin. They come in strips of white or black, which are currently produced by several manufacturers in the market. Can be purchased at the pharmacy and health and wellness stores.

2. Facial Reams

There are various facial creams used to treat different types of acne, including blackheads. Creams are used to remove blackheads are often applied to the affected area to loosen deep open comedones. They also contain some ingredients that help mild skin exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and debris from the skin pores. However, some creams to cause outbreaks of grain, especially for those with sensitive skin. Therefore, you should seek medical attention before using any creams on the market.

3. Blackhead Extractors

These metals are elongated steel used to remove the black spots on the skin. There are several types of pumps sold in the market. The most common is double extraction purposes. The tips are used to open the pores and remove blackheads. However, inappropriate use of exhaust fans can greatly damage the skin and worsen the acne infection. This could also lead to severe scarring. An important fact to consider when using blackhead extractors are not forcing the black dots that are far below the surface of the skin.

Herbal remedies

Natural or home remedies are safer and more effective treatment of blackheads and commercial products that may cause minimal side effects depending on the sensitivity of the skin. Some herbal products used to eradicate acne include tea tree oil, lemon juice, cinnamon, basil leaves, oatmeal and lemon. These herbs contain certain properties that help soften the skin, combat acne and blackheads.

Those who are using commercially prepared to remove blackheads are advised to wash your face with warm water or put a towel over your face steamed prior to application. This opens the pores and remove blackheads faster. Keeping the skin clean and eating healthy foods at the same time, also help keep skin looking clearer and younger.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of health care topics including remedies, Health and Fitness, Nutrition,Slimming,weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.