In Akram Vignan, spiritual science, the state of spiritual awakening is also known as "Self-Realisation” or “Enlightenment”.

Experiencing a spiritual awakening involves a profound shift in bodily consciousness, leading to the realisation of one's true nature as the eternal Soul or Pure Soul. It involves going beyond identification with the body, mind, and ego, and recognising oneself as a pure Soul (atma) beyond the limitations of the relative world. To achieve Self-Realisation, one must receive knowledge from a living enlightened individual (Gnani Purush). This knowledge marks the beginning of one's experience of the Self. Just as an image of a lit candle cannot remove darkness from a room, only a lit candle can, similarly, one can only claim to have experienced spiritual awakening after attaining Self-realisation.

In Akram Vignan, spiritual awakening is not merely a theoretical understanding or belief; it is a direct experiential realisation of one's true Self. It is described as a moment of grace, where one receives the knowledge and direct experience of the Self from an enlightened spiritual master (Gnani Purush).

Regarding the end goal or continuity of this state, in Akram Vignan, once a person attains Self-Realisation, it is considered a permanent and irreversible transformation, provided one remains and applies the five cardinal principles given after the Self- realisation ceremony.

Thereafter the individual remains in their continuous awakened state, recognising their true nature as the Self, and experiencing inner peace, oneness, and bliss. This state of spiritual awakening is continuously experienced and becomes the foundation for living life with purity, compassion, and harmony.
While the initial experience of Self-Realisation may be swift, the journey of spiritual growth continues after awakening. It involves deepening one's knowledge, integrating spiritual understanding into daily life, and resolving any remaining difficulties or karmic accounts with equanimity (samata). This ongoing process of spiritual evolution journey is marked by further expansion of awareness, deepening insight, and the progressive disassociation of body, mind, and ego.

In Spiritual Science, the ultimate goal of spiritual awakening is liberation from the cycle of birth and death, known as ultimate Liberation (moksha). It is the state of complete freedom from the cycle of reincarnation, where one’s awakened Self merges with the absolute Self and experiences ultimate liberation, eternal bliss, and oneness with the divine true Self. This can only happen after one is free from all karmic accounts.

The ultimate objective of spiritual liberation is to attain absolute spiritual awakening, which is marked by the Soul reaching the state of complete liberation (Siddha Kshetra) after shedding all karmic baggage. At this point, the Self experiences eternal bliss and resides in its own abode.
To summarise, in the initial phase of spiritual awakening, the primary objective is to break away from the misery that afflicts us in our present life. The ability to maintain happiness, even when confronted with challenges such as personal hurt or household mishaps, is a sign of progress in this stage.

During the second and final stage, complete freedom from all karmic debts is achieved, leading to freedom from the cycle of birth and death. The Soul is liberated at this stage and dwells in a permanent, liberated.

Author's Bio: 

Ambalal M. Patel was a civil contractor by profession. In June 1958, spontaneous Self-Realization occurred within Ambalal M. Patel. From this point on, Ambalal became a Gnani Purush, and the Lord that manifest within him became known as Dada Bhagwan. A Gnani Purush is One who has realized the Self and is able help others do the same. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan used to go from town to town and country-to-country to give satsang (spiritual discourse) and impart the knowledge of the Self, as well as knowledge of harmonious worldly interactions to everyone who came to meet him. This spiritual science, known as Akram Vignan, is the step-less path to Self-realization.