Staying healthy into your golden years is the standard everyone strives to achieve. And, we all know that a healthy diet is central to achieving that goal. With all the conflicting information out there, it may be difficult to know which foods are best to include in our diet.
Generally speaking, a diet full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is best. In addition, we need protein to build and maintain muscle, and healthy fats to maintain brain and other biological functions.
It will be much easier to achieve the Orange County Home Care goal of getting all those nutrients into our bodies if we do not “waste” calories by eating foods that have limited nutritional value.
We will also feel better and have more energy if we maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Even if you are not diabetic, you will benefit from a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and a small amount of healthy fats at EVERY MEAL. You may also benefit from eating more frequent smaller meals as you body can more efficiently metabolize 4 or 5 smaller meals than 2 or 3 large ones.
Think of your body as a machine that runs 24/7. It needs a constant supply of fuel. Frequent smaller meals spaced 3 to 4 hours apart will help keep all systems running more smoothly.
Balance is critical to the health of a Orange County Hourly Care client. Your body needs some carbohydrates, to convert to glucose which it uses for energy. But, eat too many carbohydrates at one time and you “spike” your blood sugar as your body scrambles to pull all the extra glucose out of your bloodstream. That is why many people feel sleepy after a high carbohydrate meal.
Eating protein and healthy fats along with good quality carbohydrates slows the digestive process and helps prevent these spikes. A body subjected to the ups and downs of blood sugar spikes and crashes is going to be stressed. Balanced eating with Orange County Live-In Caregiver will avoid this stress and actually help the body balance itself. A balanced body is healthier and more energized.
When it comes to choosing which foods to eat, the closer a food is to its natural state, the better it is for you. Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries have lots of vitamins and minerals. Steam them, or eat them raw, to maintain more of their nutritional value.
When it comes to protein, look for lean meats, poultry and fish. Animal proteins have essential amino acids that are generally not found in vegetable protein. Also, the omega -3 fatty acids found in fish provide benefits that should not be overlooked.
When it comes to carbohydrates, not all are equal. Try to stay away from white flour, sugar, white rice and other low nutrient carbohydrates. Remember that vegetables are carbohydrates. Start switching out some of your bad carbohydrates for good ones and you will start seeing a benefit to your health and your waistline.
Eating the right food is always a plus. Your body needs certain nutrients and it all depends in your body mass and your age. Humans health becomes very sensitive as we age, that is why is important to learn and have a well balance meal plan for our seniors. Orange County has trained all caregivers with a special meal program for all senior. They also personalize the meal program. To learn more visit our website today.
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