A sales page is a standalone page created with one specific purpose in mind, to secure sales for your product. The product or service you’re selling on your page can differ depending on your industry or niche. However, the purpose of your salepage remains constant – getting visitors to convert into customers.
Sales pages are another type of post-click landing page that is divided into two main types:
1. Long-form sales pages
2. Short-form sales pages
Both types of sales pages are designed very similarly. They contain a pitch of your product that your visitors go through and decide whether they want to click the call-to-action (CTA) or not.
The exclusive variation between a long and a short เซลเพจ is the original length of the page.
What is a short-form sales page?
Here’s an example of a short-form sales page promoting Sale page Thailand guide:
A graphic that showcases the covers and titles of the guides. Bullet points explaining what you’ll get once you convert on the form. Visual cues directing you to the CTA button and images. A short lead capture form that asks for your name and email address. A color-contrasting CTA button with a “100% privacy. No games, No B.S., No spam” disclaimer. Logos of reputable publications where the author and his products have been featured.
A short-form sales page is like a typical post-click landing page and should include the same page elements. To find out more about post-click landing pages and how to optimize them, go here.
What is a long-form sales page?
A long-form sales page is precisely what its name suggests — a lengthy page that explains what the product is in as much detail as necessary. It is also commonly referred to as a “sales letter.” The page relays all the information about the offer so the visitor can make an informed decision.
While a long-form sales page includes all the elements of a short-form sales page (i.e. a headline, form, CTA button, and image), the “hero” of the page is the copy because that’s what matters. The amount of copy makes the long-form sales page long, which is why the copy should get the most attention.
Most long-form sales pages aren’t received well by audiences and listed below are four main reasons why:
1. Most pages have a horrible design
2. They have low readability
3. The copy is written in a hyped-up manner with many exclamation points and different colored texts
4. Many products or services sold via long-form sales pages are scams, which is why their credibility is always somewhat of a question mark
How are Sales Pages Different Than Landing Pages and Your Homepage?
Post-click landing pages and sales pages are the same things because they are both standalone web pages that have one specific goal in mind. Both post-click landing pages and sales pages have the following elements:
-CTA button
-Lead capture form
-Trust indicators (testimonials, customer badges, company logos, endorsements, disclaimers)
However, long-form sales pages differ from typical post-click landing pages because the former tend to be quite lengthy when it comes to copy.
On the other hand, a homepage and a sales page are two completely different web pages. Your homepage discusses all the products and services your company has to offer while a sales page discusses just one offer and entices the visitor to sign-up for that single offer.
A sales page, like all post-click landing pages, is designed with one purpose in mind: to convert.
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