Many people ask me how does Feng Shui work?

It's a logical question, especially since there seems to be so much mystery associated with the process.

The logic is actually quite simple. Chi or energy is a life force that flows throughout our bodies and around our homes and workplaces. What good feng shui does is balance and harmonize this life force energy so we become healthier in mind, body and spirit and we are more apt to realize our full potential in life!

Chi is a powerful force that flows through all living things. When your own personal chi is at it's highest, you will feel strong and vital. Excercise, meditation, and being with supportive family and friends will all contribute to stronger personal chi.

The chi of your home, for instance, can either work for you or against you. Every moment of every day your home environment is either supporting you or draining you of that all important life energy.

If you are being drained by your space, you might notice that your health may not be optimal. Your relationships may be suffering, and your ability to make and hold on to money maybe compromised in some way.

Your home is your "second body" and what goes on in your home directly impacts your life in general. either positively or negatively. Even though you might not be aware that this is happening, the inner truth of feng shui is that if you enhance your home's chi, it will have a direct and immediate impact on your life. Therefore, having good feng shui and enhancing this powerful energy will create a wonderful pathway to maximizing your destiny!

Good Feng Shui is available to anyone who desires a more balanced and harmonious life!



Elaine Giftos Wright is a certified Feng Shui consultant based in California.
Visit her website for some great feng shui tips:

Author's Bio: 

Elaine Giftos Wright is a nationally known Feng Shui expert, teacher, speaker and author. She is the owner and founder of The Wright Way of Feng Shui, a company dedicated to improving the lives of others.

Elaine has been well trained in the Art of Feng Shui. Having studied under some of the greatest masters in the world, she has a special allegiance to her first and foremost teacher, Grand Master Professor Thomas Lin Yun. Under His tutelage in Berkeley CA., Elaine has become one of the most sought after and respected Feng Shui consultants in the country, traveling far and wide to accommodate her clientele. Elaine works closely with all of her clients to help achieve the ultimate desired effect, without changing or altering the style and taste of the client. She is very sensitive to the needs of the client, and will never impose a Feng Shui "cure" that will seem obtrusive. With her sense of design and her expert knowledge of Feng Shui, she will always find a Feng Shui adjustment that fits the taste of the client.

Over time, Elaine has developed a large following of satisfied clients willing to speak highly of her extraordinary Feng Shui skills. Her clients include virtually hundreds of family homes, corporate offices, restaurants, hotels, schools, shopping centers, and physician, attorney and dentist offices. Real estate brokers and agents routinely call upon Elaine to help market their properties for faster sales, using her expertise in Feng Shui along with her significant talents in Home Staging. Elaine is often contacted by architects, builders, interior designers, and landscapers who seek advice on their prospective projects. Elaine also has a large client roster of TV and film celebrities, along with many recording artists as well. Executives in the TV, film and recording industries have called upon Elaine to help bring balance and harmony into their environments often plagued by stress and tension. She uses a practical approach to the application of Feng Shui, which often results in positive changes within a short amount of time.